Last updated: 2023-10-11
Notice: © 1994 to 2023, Chris R. Burger. This document may be reproduced as required for personal use, and may be freely referenced from other Web sites. However, publication elsewhere, in full or in part, requires express prior written permission from the compiler.
Chris R. Burger ZS6EZ
Box 126
1001 South Africa
The ARRL has never published a cumulative list of DXCC Honour Roll members. This situation is unfortunate, as the stalwarts of the past have slid down the listings with the ongoing addition of new countries.
This list is an attempt to assemble a record of all past and current DXCC-HR members in South Africa. It took more than 20 years to get this list to its current state. When I got access in 2012 to a virtually complete collection of QST magazines going back to 1945, I finally got to the point where the list is reasonably close to complete. The only information lacking is for 1971. Also, in years in which two HR lists were published, only one is included. Maybe one day when I'm really bored I'll add the complete set of two annual listings. However, for the moment this list is very close to complete, with only small variations in scores likely to result in future.
DXCC Honour Roll membership is restricted to those DXCC members that need less than 10 entities confirmed. Totals do not include credit for deleted entities. In the early Eighties, the total number of countries was around 315. As DXCC country criteria have subsequently been formalised, a plethora of new countries emerged over the following two decades. The collapse of the Iron Curtain also created several new countries and erased others. There are now 340 current entities and almost 60 deleted entities. In total, almost 400 countries have been workable since World War II!
Since 1980, on average, almost one new entity per annum has been added to the DXCC list, and one is deleted roughly every third year. Anyone that hasn't been active for about a decade will slide down the HR and eventually drop off as new entities are added. This trend ended around 2018. Since then, there have been no deletions and no additions. With the DXCC entity rules and the political situation relatively stable, few changes can be expected in future.
On the other hand, old-timers had access to dozens of deleted countries that current DXers will never have the opportunity to work.
To provide a fair basis for comparison between today's leading DXers and those in the past, the score for each operator is listed in terms of the minimum countries he ever needed, as well as the actual scores and the number of countries at the time. Each entry also shows the first and the last year in which that operator was listed in the HR.
The effect of the ongoing addition of new countries is clearly visible. Stations that reached their pinnacle long ago have subsequently slid down and are no longer on the HR. Recent arrivals are generally still quite close to their best scores.
Between 2006 and 2008, only three new countries were added. October 2010 provided an unprecedented spurt of excitement, when two entities were deleted and four new ones were created. After a process of several years, the Netherlands Antilles were reorganised under new forms of government. The two previous entities, consisting of the northern and southern groups, were deleted and four new entities created. The four new entities caused several inactive ZS stations to fall off the Honour Roll, and one other to resort to desperate cheating to remain on the Honour Roll.
South Sudan's independence in July 2011 resulted in another addition to the DXCC list in August. There is a deleted country called South Sudan, with the prefix ST0; there is now another current entity called South Sudan, with the prefix Z8. The number of entities became 341. The first station that became active from the new South Sudan was ST0R, which was easily workable from South Africa on nine bands and three modes.
During 2012, M-V Island (R1M) was deleted after Finland's lease on the island expired. The number of entities became 340.
During 2016, Kingman Reef (KH5K) was deleted, reducing the number of current entities to 339.
Another type of shakeup happened in July 2009, when ARRL suddenly deleted credits for a Glorioso Island expedition which had been granted more than 20 years before. ZS4TX, who had been at the Top of the HR, and ZS6EZ, who had needed two countries, suddenly found themselves sliding down one notch. A few weeks later, the ARRL suddenly granted credit for the 7O1YGF operation in April 2000. This addition opened the door for ZS6P to get his last missing country. Another few weeks later, FT5GA operated from Glorioso, allowing ZS4TX and ZS6EZ to get back onto their respective Honour Roll positions.
During 2013, ZS4TX caught up on his paperwork and submitted a string of credits for Phone contacts, mostly several years old. He joined the Top of the Honour Roll on Phone, a spot he has occupied on Mixed since 2005.
During 2014-04, Dennis Wells ZS1AU worked VK9MT for his last one on Mixed and Phone. He became the first ZS1 and the fifth ZS at the Top of the Honour Roll in both cases.
During 2015-12, Johan Sevenster ZS1A submitted the credits required to put him on the Honour Roll on both Phone and Mixed. In 2016-02, Donovan van Loggerenberg ZS2DL was hot on his heels on the Mixed HR, becoming the first ZS2 to achieve this distinction. While Donovan could not join Johan on the Phone HR, he is close to the entry level on both CW and Phone.
On 2018-01-21, the Republic of Kosovo Z6 was added to the DXCC list, returning the current count to 340.
In 2018-07, Barry Murrell ZS2EZ worked KH1/KH7Z to enter the Mixed Honour Roll. He is only the second ZS2 to do so.
In September 2019, Barry Fletcher ZS1FJ appeared at the Top of the DXCC Honor Roll. As this honour implies having worked all DXCC entities, everyone was amazed. Up to that point, Barry lacked Swains Island and Kosovo. The latter is garden-variety DX, so getting it was only a matter of time. However, only three stations have operated from Swains Island. Their logs are on the public record: KH8SI, N8S and NH8S. The logs appear to be complete and correct. According to these logs, ZS1AU worked N8S; ZS4TX worked all three; ZS6P (now ZS1J) worked N8S; ZS6EZ worked NH8S. One wonders whom ZS1FJ worked.
Gary Potgieter ZS5NK died in October 2020. However, with no additions to the Honour Roll in recent years, he retains his position for the time being.
During 2022, Barry Murrell ZS2EZ provided the first movement since The Flu started. He moved up to 333 current entities on the Mixed list, needing only seven.
2023 saw the deaths of Dennis Wells ZS1AU and Hans Kappetijn ZS6KR. Again, with the slow addition of new entities, both can be expected to retain their Honour Roll positions for years to come.
In 2023-10, Donovan van Loggerenberg ZS2DL submitted a major application that included a 1,8 MHz DXCC. He also added one to his Mixed total, bringing him to four needed. Donovan needs two more entities to make it onto the CW Honour Roll.
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South African members of the DXCC Honour Roll are:
Need | Callsign | Score | Max | Year | Name | First | Last | Latest | Status |
0 |
318 331 335 338 340 340 |
318 331 335 338 340 340 |
1980 1998 2005 2009 2014 2019 |
A.D. "Van" van der Watt Chris R. Burger Bernie van der Walt Tjerk Lammers Dennis Wells Barry Fletcher |
<1972 1994 2001 2003 2011 2003 |
2002 Current Current Current Current Current |
Off 0 0 0 0 0 |
SK 2000-07 Active Active Active SK 2023-04-27 Active |
1 |
314 327 334 334 |
315 328 335 335 |
1984 1993 2004 2005 |
Dick Matthews Hans Behrens Bushy Roode Gary Potgieter |
1979 1992 <1972 1994 |
1991 2010 2005 Current |
Off Off Off 2 |
SK pre-2000 SK as VK2FTZ in 2013 SK as ZS6M in 2005-05 SK in 2020-10 |
2 |
313 |
315 |
1985 |
Mike Sherman |
1978 |
1986 |
Off |
SK pre-1985 |
4 |
336 336 336 |
340 340 340 |
2014 2023 2023 |
Hal Lund Johan Sevenster Donovan van Loggerenberg |
2008 2015 2016 |
Current Current Current |
4 4 4 |
Inactive Active Active |
5 |
310 |
315 |
1985 |
Sid Coosner |
1980 |
1986 |
Off |
Inactive (ZS6CM in Pretoria) |
7 |
333 |
340 |
2022 |
Barry Murrell |
2018 |
Current |
7 |
Active |
8 |
292 |
300 |
1960 |
Bert Sachs |
1960 |
1960 |
Off |
SK pre-1980 |
9 |
322 |
340 |
1998 |
Jim de Almeida |
1998 |
1999 |
Off |
Now CT1HGS |
Back to Index
Need | Callsign | Score | Max | Year | Name | First | Last | Latest | Status |
0 |
318 338 340 340 340 |
318 338 340 340 340 |
1980 2009 2012 2013 2014 |
A.D. "Van" van der Watt Tjerk Lammers Chris R. Burger Bernie van der Walt Dennis Wells |
<1972 2005 2001 2012 2011 |
2002 Current Current Current Current |
Off 0 0 0 0 |
SK 2000-07 Active Active Active SK 2023-04-27 |
1 |
334 334 |
335 335 |
2004 2005 |
Bushy Roode Gary Potgieter |
1973 1994 |
2005 Current |
Off 2 |
SK as ZS6M in 2005-05 SK in 2020-10 |
2 |
313 |
315 |
1985 |
Dick Matthews |
1980 |
1991 |
Off |
SK pre-2000 |
3 |
312 323 |
315 326 |
1984 1994 |
John McCoy Jim de Almeida |
1980 1992 |
1988 1999 |
Off Off |
SK pre-1985 Now CT1HGS |
4 |
318 336 336 |
322 340 340 |
1990 2019 2015 |
Hans Behrens Barry Fletcher Johan Sevenster |
1986 2003 2015 |
2004 Current Current |
Off 4 4 |
SK as VK2FTZ in 2013 Active Active |
5 |
292 |
297 |
1960 |
Bert Sachs |
1954 |
1960 |
Off |
SK pre-1990 |
6 | ZS6WB | 333 | 339 | 2016 | Hal Lund |
2013 |
Current |
7 | Inactive |
Back to Index
Need | Callsign | Score | Max | Year | Name | First | Last | Latest | Status |
1 |
340 339 |
341 340 |
2011 2012 |
Bernie van der Walt Chris R. Burger |
2010 2002 |
Current Current |
1 1 |
Active Active |
3 | ZS6KR | 334 | 337 | 2017 | Hans Kappetijn |
2011 |
Current |
3 | SK 2023-08-05 |
Note: ZS6JM appeared only on the Phone HR; ZS6KR appeared only on CW. The other single-mode members all appeared on the Mixed list too.
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The list above is cumulative, showing all past Honor Roll members. Below are the lists by year as they appeared originally in QST and later in the online listings.
The list is not complete, as I have not had access to the list for 1971. If you have back issues of QST and can provide me with a scanned or copied copy of the 1971 list, I would be most grateful. I'll attempt to include any new information into this list as soon as practical.
For the period of 1947 to 1971, only one ZS station (ZS6BW) ever appeared on the Honour Roll. Years in which no ZS station is listed are omitted to avoid tedious repetition.
The Mixed and Phone Honour Rolls came into being with the post-war DXCC in 1947. The CW HR was introduced in 1975 when the CW DXCC was created. The same happened to RTTY in 1993. For each HR, the maximum score was determined by the top scorer, and HR entrants were required to be within 9 countries of that score. For each year, the top score is listed in the heading. South African stations' scores are listed as a deficit, i.e. how many countries that station needed in that year. Stations with identical scores are listed in alphabetical order.
The most durable South African HR members have been (as taken from first to last appearance, up to 2023):
The South African HR leaders have been (as taken from first to last appearance at the top):
The most durable leaders were:
You can access a specific year by clicking here:
Not all the lists' publication dates coincide with the end of the calendar year. Until approximately 1972, the HR was published with the annual DXCC membership list in the December issue, and took into account all submissions to September. At this point, the HR was separated, with new deadlines in June and December. The lists were published in the September and March issues respectively. Where possible, the September list has been used (providing an end date of June of the relevant year). In the Nineties, the deadline for HR lists was 31 March, listed in QST in July. This list would count for the previous year, as the closing date was only one quarter into the publication year. Example: The HR published in July 1997 would be used for 1996.
No ZS appeared on the lists for 1947 to 1953.
Mixed (252) Phone (224) No ZS 8 ZS6BW
Mixed (261) Phone (245) No ZS No ZS
Mixed (268) Phone (249) No ZS 9 ZS6BW
Mixed (273) Phone (265) No ZS No ZS
Mixed (286) Phone (282) No ZS No ZS
Mixed (296) Phone (293) No ZS 9 ZS6BW
Mixed (300) Phone (297) 8 ZS6BW 5 ZS6BW
No ZS appeared on the lists for 1961 to 1970.
The 1971 list has not been available for inspection.
Mixed (322) Phone (322) 8 ZS6LW 8 ZS6LW 8 ZS6YQ
Mixed (320) Phone (320) 3 ZS6LW 3 ZS6LW 9 ZS6YQ 9 ZS6YQ
Mixed (320) Phone (320) 4 ZS6LW 4 ZS6LW
Mixed (319) Phone (319) 4 ZS6LW 4 ZS6LW
Mixed (321) Phone (321) CW (241) 8 ZS6LW 8 ZS6LW No ZS
Mixed (319) Phone (319) CW (274) No ZS No ZS No ZS
Mixed (319) Phone (319) CW (292) 4 ZS6LW 4 ZS6LW No ZS 9 ZS6IW
Mixed (319) Phone (319) CW (301) 2 ZS6LW 2 ZS6LW No ZS 6 ZS6YQ 8 ZS6YQ 8 ZS6RM
Mixed (318) Phone (318) CW (305) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS 4 ZS6YQ 7 ZS6RM 5 ZS6IW 7 ZS6YQ 5 ZS6RM 9 ZS6JM 6 ZS4MG
Mixed (318) Phone (318) CW (307) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS 4 ZS6RM 5 ZS6JM 4 ZS6YQ 5 ZS6RM 5 ZS6IW 6 ZS6YQ 6 ZS4MG
Mixed (318) Phone (318) CW (309) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS 4 ZS6RM 5 ZS6JM 4 ZS6YQ 5 ZS6RM 5 ZS6IW 6 ZS6YQ 6 ZS4MG
Mixed (315) Phone (315) CW (308) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS 2 ZS6IW 3 ZS6RM 2 ZS6RM 4 ZS6JM 3 ZS6YQ 4 ZS6YQ 5 ZS4MG
Mixed (315) Phone (315) CW (311) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS 1 ZS6RM 2 ZS6RM 2 ZS6IW 3 ZS6JM 3 ZS6YQ 4 ZS6YQ 5 ZS4MG
Mixed (316) Phone (316) CW (312) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS 1 ZS6RM 2 ZS6RM 3 ZS6IW 3 ZS6JM 4 ZS6YQ 5 ZS6YQ 6 ZS4MG
Aruba P4 was added on 1986-01-01.
Mixed (316) Phone (316) CW (312) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS 1 ZS6RM 2 ZS6RM 2 ZS6YQ 3 ZS6JM 3 ZS6IW 3 ZS6YQ 6 ZS4MG 8 ZS6BBP
Peter I Island 3Y was added 1987-01-25.
Mixed (316) Phone (316) CW (312) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS 1 ZS6RM 1 ZS6RM 3 ZS6YQ 4 ZS6JM 4 ZS6IW 4 ZS6YQ 7 ZS4MG 9 ZS6BBP
RASD S0 was moved from deleted to active during 1988-04.
Mixed (320) Phone (320) CW (316) 1 ZS6LW 1 ZS6LW No ZS 2 ZS6RM 2 ZS6RM 5 ZS6YQ 5 ZS6BBP 6 ZS6YQ 7 ZS6JM
Malyj Vysotskij 4J (later R1M) and 3D2 Rotuma were added 1989-05.
Mixed (323) Phone (323) CW (319) 3 ZS6LW 3 ZS6LW No ZS 5 ZS6RM 5 ZS6RM 8 ZS6YQ 8 ZS6BBP 9 ZS6YQ
East Germany Y2 was deleted on 1990-10-02. North and South Yemen were deleted on 1990-05-21 and Yemen 7O was added on 1990-05-22. Conway Reef 3D2, Banaba T33 and Walvis Bay ZS9 were added during 1990.
Mixed (322) Phone (322) CW (319) 1 ZS6LW 1 ZS6LW No ZS 6 ZS6RM 4 ZS6BBP 9 ZS6YQ 7 ZS6RM
Eritrea E3 was reactivated on 1991-05-24. Penguin Island ZS1 was added in 1991-09. Abu Ail was deleted on 1991-03-30.
Mixed (323) Phone (323) CW (323) 2 ZS6LW 2 ZS6LW No ZS 7 ZS6RM 5 ZS6BBP 8 ZS6RM 8 ZS6YQ
Mixed (325) Phone (325) CW (325) 3 ZS6LW 4 ZS6LW No ZS 8 ZS6BBP 7 ZS6AOO 8 ZS6YQ
With the breakup of Yugoslavia, several countries were created. Credit was given later, as it became clear how the countries would be divided. Official start dates were: Croatia 9A and Slovenia S5 on 1991-06-26; Macedonia Z3 on 1991-09-08; Bosnia-Herzegovina E7 (was T9 for a while) on 1991-10-15. Czechoslovakia OK-OM was deleted on 1992-12-31 to make room for the Czech Republic OK and Slovakia OM on 1993-01-01.
Mixed (328) Phone (328) CW (328) RTTY (324) 3 ZS6LW 4 ZS6LW No ZS No ZS 8 ZS6BBP 7 ZS6AOO 8 ZS6YQ
Pratas BV9P was added 1994-01-01. Penguin Islands ZS0 and Walvis Bay ZS9 were deleted on 1994-02-28. South Sudan ST0 was deleted on 1994-12-31.
Mixed (326) Phone (326) CW (326) RTTY (324) 0 ZS6LW 0 ZS6LW No ZS No ZS 1 ZS6BBP 3 ZS6AOO 6 ZS5NK 6 ZS5NK 8 ZS6EZ 9 ZS6YQ 8 ZS6YQ
Scarborough Reef BS7 was added 1995-01-01. North Korea P5 was added 1995-05-14.
Mixed (327) Phone (327) CW (327) RTTY (324) 1 ZS6LW 1 ZS6LW No ZS No ZS 2 ZS6BBP 4 ZS6AOO 5 ZS5NK 5 ZS5NK 6 ZS6YQ 7 ZS6YQ 9 ZS6EZ
Mixed (327) Phone (327) CW (327) RTTY (324) 1 ZS6LW 1 ZS6LW No ZS No ZS 2 ZS6BBP 4 ZS6AOO 5 ZS5NK 5 ZS5NK 6 ZS6YQ 7 ZS6YQ 9 ZS6EZ
Mixed (329) Phone (329) CW (329) RTTY (325) 3 ZS6LW 3 ZS6LW No ZS No ZS 4 ZS5NK 4 ZS5NK 4 ZS6BBP 5 ZS6YQ 5 ZS6YQ 6 ZS6AOO 7 ZS6EZ
Temotu H40, Austral FO and Marquesas FO were added 1998-04-01.
Mixed (331) Phone (331) CW (331) RTTY (325) 5 ZS6EZ 6 ZS6LW No ZS No ZS 6 ZS6LW 7 ZS5NK 7 ZS5NK 7 ZS6BBP 7 ZS6BBP 7 ZS6YQ 7 ZS6YQ 9 ZS6AOO 9 ZS6AOO
Mixed (331) Phone (331) CW (331) RTTY (325) 5 ZS6EZ 6 ZS6LW No ZS No ZS 6 ZS6LW 7 ZS5NK 7 ZS5NK 7 ZS6BBP 7 ZS6BBP 7 ZS6YQ 7 ZS6YQ 9 ZS6AOO 9 ZS6AOO
Palestine E4 was added to the list on 1999-02-01. See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (332) Phone (332) CW (332) RTTY (???) 3 ZS6EZ 5 ZS6YQ No ZS No ZS 5 ZS6YQ 7 ZS5NK 7 ZS6LW 7 ZS6LW 8 ZS6BBP 8 ZS6BBP
Timor Leste 4W and Chesterfield Island FK were added to the list on 2000-03-01 and 2000-03-23 respectively. See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (334) Phone (334) CW (334) RTTY (???) 4 ZS6EZ 4 ZS6YQ No ZS No ZS 4 ZS6YQ 5 ZS6BBP 5 ZS6BBP 8 ZS6EZ 7 ZS4TX 9 ZS5NK 9 ZS5NK 9 ZS6LW 9 ZS6LW
Note: ZS4TX did not appear in QST. However, the DXCC desk confirmed that this omission had been a mistake.
See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (334) Phone (334) CW (334) RTTY (331) 2 ZS6EZ 3 ZS6YQ 8 ZS6EZ No ZS 3 ZS6YQ 4 ZS5NK 4 ZS5NK 5 ZS6BBP 5 ZS6BBP 7 ZS6EZ 7 ZS4TX 9 ZS6LW 9 ZS6LW
Ducie Island VP6 was added to the list on 2001-11-16. See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (335) Phone (335) CW (335) RTTY (333) 0 ZS6EZ 2 ZS6EZ 4 ZS6EZ No ZS 1 ZS4TX 4 ZS6YQ 4 ZS6YQ 5 ZS5NK 5 ZS5NK 6 ZS6BBP 6 ZS1FJ 9 ZS1FJ 6 ZS6BBP 8 ZS6P
Mixed (335) Phone (335) CW (335) RTTY (333) 0 ZS6EZ 2 ZS6EZ 4 ZS6EZ No ZS 1 ZS4TX 4 ZS6YQ 4 ZS6YQ 5 ZS5NK 5 ZS5NK 6 ZS6BBP 6 ZS1FJ 9 ZS1FJ 6 ZS6BBP 8 ZS6P
See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (335) Phone (335) CW (335) RTTY (333) 0 ZS4TX 1 ZS5NK 4 ZS6EZ No ZS 0 ZS6EZ 1 ZS6YQ 1 ZS5NK 2 ZS6EZ 1 ZS6YQ 5 ZS1FJ 2 ZS1FJ 7 ZS6P 4 ZS6P 6 ZS6BBP
Montenegro 4O was added to the list on 2006-06-28. Swain Island KH8 was added to the list on 2006-07-22.
Mixed (336) Phone (336) CW (335) RTTY (333) 1 ZS4TX 2 ZS5NK 5 ZS6EZ No ZS 1 ZS6EZ 3 ZS6EZ 2 ZS5NK 6 ZS1FJ 3 ZS1FJ 9 ZS6P 5 ZS6P 7 ZS6BBP
Mixed (337) Phone (337) CW (337) RTTY (335) 0 ZS4TX 2 ZS5NK 6 ZS6EZ No ZS 2 ZS5NK 4 ZS6EZ 2 ZS6EZ 5 ZS6P 2 ZS6P 7 ZS1FJ 4 ZS1FJ 8 ZS6BBP
St Barthelemew FJ was added to the list on 2007-12-14. See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (338) Phone (338) CW (338) RTTY (336) 0 ZS4TX 1 ZS6P 5 ZS6EZ No ZS 1 ZS6P 3 ZS5NK 2 ZS6EZ 4 ZS6EZ 3 ZS5NK 8 ZS1FJ 5 ZS1FJ 9 ZS6BBP 9 ZS6WB
See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (338) Phone (338) CW (338) RTTY (???) 0 ZS6P 0 ZS6P 4 ZS6EZ No ZS 1 ZS4TX 3 ZS5NK 1 ZS6EZ 4 ZS6EZ 3 ZS5NK 8 ZS1FJ 5 ZS1FJ 9 ZS6BBP 9 ZS6WB
See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (338) Phone (338) CW (338) RTTY (337) 0 ZS4TX 0 ZS6P 4 ZS6EZ No ZS 0 ZS6P 1 ZS5NK 8 ZS4TX 1 ZS5NK 2 ZS6EZ 1 ZS6EZ 8 ZS1FJ 5 ZS1FJ 9 ZS6BBP 9 ZS6WB
Two countries were deleted in the Netherlands Antilles and replaced by four new countries in the Dutch Caribbean on 2010-10-10. South Sudan Z8 became independent and was added to the DXCC list on 2011-07-14. See ZS6EZ's contextual comments, published with the original list.
Mixed (341) Phone (341) CW (341) RTTY (340) 0 ZS4TX 0 ZS6P 1 ZS4TX No ZS 0 ZS6P 1 ZS6EZ 2 ZS6EZ 1 ZS6EZ 6 ZS5NK 8 ZS6KR 6 ZS5NK 7 ZS1AU 7 ZS1AU 8 ZS6WB
M-V Island R1M was deleted during 2012 when the Finnish lease on the island expired.
Mixed (340) Phone (340) CW (340) Digital (339) 0 ZS4TX 0 ZS6EZ 1 ZS4TX No ZS 0 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6P 1 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6P 2 ZS1AU 6 ZS6KR 2 ZS1AU 3 ZS5NK 2 ZS1FJ 6 ZS1FJ 3 ZS5NK 9 ZS4TX 7 ZS6WB
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2013-12-21.
Mixed (340) Phone (340) CW (340) Digital (339) 0 ZS4TX 0 ZS4TX 1 ZS4TX No ZS 0 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6EZ 1 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6P 0 ZS6P 6 ZS6KR 1 ZS1AU 1 ZS1AU 1 ZS1FJ 3 ZS5NK 4 ZS5NK 5 ZS1FJ 7 ZS6WB 9 ZS6WB
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2014-12-31.
Mixed (340) Phone (340) CW (340) Digital (339) 0 ZS1AU 0 ZS1AU 1 ZS4TX No ZS 0 ZS4TX 0 ZS4TX 1 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6EZ 5 ZS6KR 0 ZS6P 0 ZS6P 1 ZS1FJ 3 ZS5NK 3 ZS5NK 5 ZS1FJ 4 ZS6WB 8 ZS6WB
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2015-12-31.
Mixed (340) Phone (340) CW (340) Digital (339) 0 ZS1AU 0 ZS1AU 1 ZS4TX No ZS 0 ZS4TX 0 ZS4TX 1 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6EZ 5 ZS6KR 0 ZS6P 0 ZS6P 1 ZS1FJ 3 ZS5NK 3 ZS5NK 5 ZS1FJ 4 ZS6WB 8 ZS6WB 9 ZS1A 9 ZS1A
Kingman Reef KH5K was deleted on 2016-03-29, bringing the number of current entities to 339.
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2016-12-31.
Mixed (339) Phone (339) CW (339) Digital (338) 0 ZS1AU 0 ZS1AU 1 ZS4TX No ZS 0 ZS4TX 0 ZS4TX 1 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6EZ 0 ZS6EZ 4 ZS6KR 0 ZS6P 0 ZS6P 1 ZS1FJ 3 ZS5NK 3 ZS5NK 5 ZS1FJ 4 ZS6WB 6 ZS6WB 6 ZS2DL 8 ZS1A 8 ZS1A
Midway KH4 and Kure KH7K were deleted on 2017-03-31, bringing the number of current entities to 337. A few weeks later, they were undeleted, returning the number of entities to 339.
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2017-12-31.
Mixed (339) Phone (339) CW (339) Digital (338) 0 ZS1AU 0 ZS1AU 1 ZS4TX No ZS ZS4TX ZS4TX ZS6EZ ZS6EZ ZS6EZ 3 ZS6KR ZS6P ZS6P 1 ZS1FJ 1 ZS5NK ZS5NK 5 ZS1FJ 4 ZS6WB 6 ZS6WB 6 ZS2DL 7 ZS1A 7 ZS1A
Kosovo Z6 was added to the DXCC list on 2018-01-21, bringing the number of current entities to 340. Contacts before this date do not count.
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2018-12-31.
Mixed (340) Phone (340) CW (340) Digital (339) 0 ZS1AU 0 ZS1AU 1 ZS4TX No ZS ZS4TX ZS4TX ZS6EZ ZS6EZ ZS6EZ 3 ZS6KR ZS6P ZS6P 2 ZS1FJ 2 ZS5NK ZS5NK 6 ZS1FJ 4 ZS6WB 7 ZS1A 5 ZS2DL ZS6WB 7 ZS1A 9 ZS2EZ
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2019-12-31.
Mixed (340) Phone (340) CW (340) Digital (339) 0 ZS1AU 0 ZS1AU 1 ZS4TX No ZS ZS1FJ ZS1J ZS6EZ ZS1J ZS4TX 3 ZS6KR ZS4TX ZS6EZ ZS6EZ 2 ZS5NK 2 ZS5NK 4 ZS1FJ 4 ZS6WB 5 ZS1A 5 ZS1A 7 ZS6WB ZS2DL 8 ZS2EZ
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2020-12-31.
Mixed (340) Phone (340) CW (340) Digital (339) 0 ZS1AU 0 ZS1AU 1 ZS4TX No ZS ZS1FJ ZS1J ZS6EZ ZS1J ZS4TX 3 ZS6KR ZS4TX ZS6EZ ZS6EZ 2 ZS5NK--SK 2 ZS5NK--SK 4 ZS1FJ 4 ZS6WB 5 ZS1A 5 ZS1A 7 ZS6WB ZS2DL 8 ZS2EZ
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2021-12-31.
No change from 2020, mostly due to the travel restrictions around the Covid-19 pandemic.
Extracted from online listings downloaded on 2022-12-31.
No change from 2021, mostly due to the travel restrictions around the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mixed (340) Phone (340) CW (340) Digital (339) 0 ZS1AU--SK 0 ZS1AU--SK 1 ZS4TX No ZS ZS1FJ ZS1J ZS6EZ ZS1J ZS4TX 3 ZS6KR--SK ZS4TX ZS6EZ ZS6EZ 2 ZS5NK--SK 2 ZS5NK--SK 4 ZS1A 4 ZS1A ZS1FJ ZS2DL 7 ZS6WB ZS6WB ZS2DL 7 ZS2EZ
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Editorial Comment: Unfortunately, since 2003 the Mixed and Phone lists have reflected a score that reflects a brazen violation of DXCC rules. The individual concerned has openly admitted that he has violated a specific DXCC rule repeatedly, but claims that there is an "unwritten rule" permitting his behaviour. As a result, he has not withdrawn the relevant credits from his DXCC. Quite the opposite; he continued to add to his totals on a regular basis, mostly by using the "unwritten rule" rather than actual on-the-air QSOs.
This list reflects the DXCC totals published by ARRL. No attempt has been made to sanitise these tables. When a DXCC applicant submits a DXCC application to ARRL, he or she signs a declaration that all DXCC rules and national radio regulations have been complied with. If someone is prepared to sign that declaration while knowingly having violated DXCC rules, that person will unfortunately appear on the DXCC list, and therefore also on this list. We are only left to wonder why.
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