ZS6EZ Comments: 2003 South African DXCC Honour Roll Member List

Originally published: 2003-08-06

Reformatted: 2012-08-04

Notice: © 2003 to 2012, Chris R. Burger. This document may be reproduced as required for personal use, and may be freely referenced from other Web sites. However, publication elsewhere, in full or in part, requires express prior written permission from the compiler.


These notes were originally published with the list of South African stations extracted from the list described above. During 2012, a single integrated South African DXCC annual list extract and a South African DXCC Honour Roll extract were published. Because these lists do not have room for comments, and because some of the comments provide useful context, the comments have been extracted into this separate file.

Original Comments

The most recent DXCC Honour Roll listing was published in the August 2003 issue of QST, the official magazine of the ARRL. Standings include submissions up to 31 March this year.

DXCC Honour Roll membership is restricted to those DXCC members that need less than ten countries confirmed. Totals do not include credit for deleted countries. For this list, there were 335 countries, and at least 326 current credits were needed to make it onto the Honour Roll. For this list, Ducie Island VP6 has been added.

With the P5/4L4FN operation, a large number of DXers caught their last country and jumped to the top rung of the Honour Roll. There are now 940 stations on the Mixed list, 390 on Phone, 5 on CW and 2 on RTTY (although the latter two stations still need two countries confirmed).

Three Africans showed up at the Top of the Honour Roll (i.e. needing no countries confirmed) this year: EA8AKN, EA8ZS and ZS6EZ. EA8AKN also showed up on the Phone list.

Van van der Watt ZS6LW dropped off the list this year, with the addition of Ducie Island VP6. Until this year, Van was the only South African to have reached the Top of the Honour Roll.

Tjerk Lammers ZS6P joins the Honour Roll as a new entry this year. Tjerk now needs eight countries, and is hoping to scrape together the cards to join the Phone HR too, next year.


  • Bernie van der Walt ZS4TX has again been omitted from the published list, even though he has received written confirmation that he is eligible and should have been listed. ARRL have indicated that he will be listed on the next Web update.
  • Bushy Roode ZS6YQ submitted more cards in May, too late for this annual list. However, his current total is now 334 on both Phone and Mixed. Bushy has recently changed his callsign to ZS6M.

    Back to the 2003 ZS DXCC HR list.