Originally published: 2009-01
Reformatted: 2012-08-04
Notice: © 2005 to 2012, Chris R. Burger. This document may be reproduced as required for personal use, and may be freely referenced from other Web sites. However, publication elsewhere, in full or in part, requires express prior written permission from the compiler.
These notes were originally published with the list of South African stations extracted from the list described above. During 2012, a single integrated South African DXCC annual list extract and a South African DXCC Honour Roll extract were published. Because these lists do not have room for comments, and because some of the comments provide useful context, the comments have been extracted into this separate file.
This list was extracted from the DXCC Honour Roll as it stood on the last day of 2008, according to the online listings on the ARRL Web site.
DXCC Honour Roll membership is restricted to those DXCC members that need less than ten DXCC entities credited. Totals do not include credit for deleted countries. For this list, there were 338 countries, and at least 329 current credits were needed to make it onto the Honour Roll.
Since the last list, three countries have been added to the list: Montenegro 4O, Swain's Island KH8S and St Bartholemew FJ. There have been two operations from Swain's, but neither was easy to catch because of propagation and competition from the northern hemisphere. The other two countries are relatively easy to catch, with regular activity and relatively easy propagation.
ZS6EZ has slid down from the top of the Mixed list, and no longer has all countries confirmed. ZS6P has made rapid progress, now needing only one country (Yemen 7O) on Mixed and Phone. On CW, ZS6EZ remains the sole entry, although he has slid from four to five needed. ZS6WB has reappeared on the HR, after an absence of almost a decade.
No-one is even close to HR on RTTY. The highest South African score is in the 180s, barely half of the required entry level!
Back to the 2008 ZS DXCC HR list.