Originally published: 2005-12-16
Reformatted: 2012-08-04
Notice: © 2005 to 2012, Chris R. Burger. This document may be reproduced as required for personal use, and may be freely referenced from other Web sites. However, publication elsewhere, in full or in part, requires express prior written permission from the compiler.
These notes were originally published with the list of South African stations extracted from the list described above. During 2012, a single integrated South African DXCC annual list extract and a South African DXCC Honour Roll extract were published. Because these lists do not have room for comments, and because some of the comments provide useful context, the comments have been extracted into this separate file.
The ARRL is no longer publishing annual DXCC Honour Roll listings. Instead, there is now a daily update of the current list on the Web [whether because of an erroneous assumption or a change of plans, the ARRL has continued to publish HR listings twice yearly].
This list was extracted from the DXCC Honour Roll as it stood in 2005-06.
DXCC Honour Roll membership is restricted to those DXCC members that need less than ten countries confirmed. Totals do not include credit for deleted countries. For this list, there were 335 countries, and at least 326 current credits were needed to make it onto the Honour Roll.
ZS4TX has joined ZS6EZ at the top of the Mixed list, with all countries confirmed. ZS5NK and ZS6YQ are tied for the top spot on Phone, each needing one country. On CW, ZS6EZ remains the top station with four needed. ZS5NK has made rapid strides on Mixed and Phone, raising the expectation that he will quickly eliminate his needed slots.
No-one is even close on RTTY, with the highest South African score in the 170s, barely half of the required entry level!
As expected, Van van der Watt ZS6LW has now dropped off the list. With the addition of Ducie Island VP6, Van suddenly needed 10 countries, making him ineligible for Honour Roll status. An era has ended, as Van was the first South African to reach the top of the Honour Roll, and still the only one to have done so on Phone.
Back to the 2005 ZS DXCC HR list.