Last updated: 2025-01-30
ARRL Lists to: 2024-12-31
Notice: © 2001 to 2025, Chris R. Burger. This document may be reproduced as required for personal use, and may be freely referenced from other Web sites. However, publication elsewhere, in full or in part, requires express prior written permission from the compiler.
Chris R. Burger ZS6EZ
Box 126
1001 South Africa
Look for an email address on
This list contains only South African stations.
ZS stations
Status |
Mixed: Any mode, any band Phone: SSB, AM, FM etc. CW Digital: RTTY, PSK, WSJT etc. Satellite 1,8 MHz 3,5 MHz 7 MHz 10 MHz 14 MHz 18 MHz 21 MHz 25 MHz 28 MHz 50 MHz 144 MHz Challenge: At least 1000 current band-countries on 1,8 to 50 MHz 5 Band: DXCC on each of 3,5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz |
245 149 38 33 4 8 19 23 24 34 26 32 25 34 6 5 24 23 |
Incomplete 2005 Incomplete 2005 Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Lacking one certificate number Complete Complete Complete Complete |
You can also access other DXCC information in the ZS6EZ Rogues' Gallery.
The DX Century Club is the world's foremost amateur radio award. It is the prime benchmark by which DXing prowess is measured. It is also an excellent measure of longevity.
DXCC is sponsored by the ARRL. Rules and other details can be found in their DXCC pages.
DXCC starts with an entry level of 100 entities on the DXCC list. Work 100 entities, obtain confirmations, submit them to ARRL and pay the application fee. Most DXCC entities are countries, but there are a few oddities such as islands isolated from the remainder of a country or even international agencies that occupy single buildings. A prime example is the Prince Edward Islands, including Marion Island. This island group constitutes one of the most wanted DXCC entities, even though it is part of South Africa. The reason, of course, is over 1000 km of open water between them and the rest of the country.
Achieving the basic DXCC award is relatively easy. Most determined individuals can reach DXCC status relatively comfortably in a year. In fact, most major contest stations work 100 countries on each of several frequency bands in a major contest! However, the challenge does not end there. Endorsements are offered for greater numbers of entities. The leading stations in the world now approach 400 such entities, including the 340 existant entities and another sixty or so that have been deleted.
Stations that need less than 10 current entities confirmed are listed in the DXCC Honour Roll. The Top of the Honour Roll contains all stations that need no current entities. They have worked and confirmed every single entity in the world. About 1000 stations world wide, including four South Africans, have achieved this distinction.
One can also apply for a range of specialised DXCCs, including ones for a single mode or a single band. There is also a Five Band DXCC (5BDXCC) for confirming at least 100 current entities on each of the five main HF bands (3,5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz). Once the 5BDXCC has been earned, one can earn further band endorsements for other bands. Single-band DXCCs have been earned on 12 different bands, from 1,8 to 440 MHz. Finally, there is the DXCC Challenge, consisting of the combined score of current entities on the 10 bands from 1,8 to 50 MHz. The leading stations have achieved over 3000 challenge points, or an average of over 300 entities per band.
Some entities are almost impossible to miss. Italy, Germany and the USA are some of these entities that have been confirmed by virtually all DXCC participants. Others are far harder, and may not be workable at all for years or even decades at a time. Such rare entities are either politically unstable and therefore do not issue licences, or they are inaccessible. An example of the former is North Korea, the most wanted entity in the world. Only a few dozen DXCC participants have worked North Korea on CW. An example of an inaccessible island is Bouvet, a Norwegian island in the south Atlantic Ocean. There is no resident population, and ships going there have to brave the Roaring Forties as well as steep cliffs that make sea landings impossible. An icebreaker with a helicopter does not come cheaply, so this island has appeared only about once per decade.
It is because of this intermittent availability of a few entities that longevity is a major asset in the DXCC chase. A score of 300 can be achieved in a year or two. However, getting onto the Honour Roll generally takes decades. Getting to the Top of the HR takes decades more.
Over the years, the means used by the ARRL to publish DXCC membership has changed considerably. From 1947, a list of all DXCC members and Honour Roll members was published monthly in QST. By the Fifties, the list had grown to the extent that the entire list could not be published every month. A monthly list of new members and endorsements was then published, with the Honour Roll being published twice a year.
With the introduction of a number of single-band awards around 1988, the volume of applicants and certificate holders grew to such an extent that DXCC listings started taking up a disproportionate amount of space in QST. The ARRL therefore started publishing a DXCC Yearbook in 1993. This Yearbook contained the annual listings for all the awards. The first edition already spanned 32 pages, even though there were only single-band listings for 1,8, 3,5, 7 and 28 MHz.
Fortunately, around 2000, when the door was thrown open to single-band DXCCs for all bands, technology had caught up. The ARRL discontinued its monthly coverage in QST, opting instead for a daily update of the membership lists and Honour Roll on their Web site.
All of these listings had one thing in common: They contained a current score for each current member, but contained no information about past holders who had become inactive, and there was never a way to determine when someone had first entered the race.
The current Web lists also do not contain any information on stations that have not received endorsements since the DXCC system was computerised (in the 1980s). Consequently, the Mixed and Phone listings are nowhere near complete. The other awards are less affected, as their introduction (starting with CW in 1979) did not predate the computer system to the same extent.
I started collecting dates and certificate numbers for ZS members in the early Eighties. These records were compiled from monthly QST listings, personal discussions, industrial espionage and countless letters and phone calls. Unfortunately, the records were by no means complete, but the list nevertheless gradually became the most comprehensive record of South African DXCC activity in existence.
Two major breakthroughs happened in 2011 and 2012. The first was that several old DXCC lists started becoming available through the ARRL Website. The second was that an almost-complete set of QSTs fell into my lap, going back to 1936. Suddenly, I had almost all the source documents at my fingertips. The main obstacle to completing this list was to wade through more than 750 issues of QST looking for the lists, and then to wade through an average of 5000 callsigns in every annual list looking for ZS callsigns. At my age, the process involves reading glasses, a bright light and a magnifying glass. Fortunately, the painful project was eventually completed during 2013.
With the exception of one year, during which the ARRL published no lists, all callsigns have now been included. From 2004 to 2006, the ARRL published no lists in QST or the DXCC Yearbook. The reason was that the online listings had just been introduced. Unfortunately, while it was now possible to follow the progress in real time, none of this history has been preserved. I had to rely on the assistance of the late Bill Moore NC1L at DXCC to help me get to this information. 2004 and 2006 have now been incorporated; I hope to also have 2005 one day.
I try to keep the list as current as possible. At the end of every quarter, I check the DXCC listings on the ARRL Website. When I see a new addition or a change in endorsement level, I update this list. I also request dates and certificate numbers from the relevant participants, with mixed success. Finally, I incorporate all changes as soon as I am alerted of them.
I'm hoping the list now includes all callsigns. However, if you know of any DXCC certificates out there that I don't know about, or information about certificates that are not fully recorded in these pages, whether your own or someone else's, please let me know. As you will see, on the Mixed and Phone lists there are many incomplete entries--dates, certificate numbers and names are missing or subject to question. If you can contribute any information, please let me know.
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The easiest way to apply for DXCC is to use the ARRL's Logbook of the World. They provide comprehensive instructions on how to get yourself going on LoTW. Once you have uploaded your logs, you'll be able to watch the confirmations roll in. Reach 100, apply on-line and a few days later your callsign should appear in these listings. You can then add further credits using LotW and paper QSLs.
If you are an old timer and have confirmed many countries using paper QSL cards, you can also apply on paper. The procedure is outlined in the DXCC pages. You can have most of your cards checked in this country through Tjerk Lammers ZS1J, the SARL's Awards Manager. Liaise directly with him for further details on how to have your cards inspected. In 2012, a new on-line application process for paper QSLs was launched. Using this process is a lot cheaper and a little faster than the old paper-based system. This process still involves paper forms that have to be sent to the USA, but you yourself do all the typing to enter the contacts into the DXCC database. Theoretically, the room for error has been greatly reduced. At the very least, the costs are much lower, as you do not have to pay the ARRL to do the data entry.
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Notes from previous years have now been placed in a separate document. In future, only comments for the current year will appear here.
In 2020-06, Bernie van der Walt ZS4TX finally managed to confirm an old contact with East Germany on 28 MHz SSB. This deleted entity credit elevates his all-time mode and band scores by one.
In 2020-10, Gary Potgieter ZS5NK died during the Covid-19 pandemic. He was the second-highest scorer on the Mixed and Phone DXCCs.
Early in 2022, Dennis Wells ZS1AU managed to convince ARRL to credit his VQ9DC card from 1972, clearly showing the location as Mahe, Seychelles, as a new entity. Since Dennis is at the top of the Honour Roll, he clearly already had Seychelles confirmed. The credit must therefore be for one of the deleted VQ9 entities; Aldabra, Desroches or Farquhar. Strange—none of those islands are anywhere near Mahe.
Mid-2022, Paul Smit ZS6NK uploaded his HF logs to LotW, generating lots of confirmations. In fact, he managed to add eight new bands to his existing 50 MHz DXCC, giving him 9 Band DXCC in one fell swoop.
In April 2023, Dennis Wells ZS1AU died at the age of 94. At the time of his death, Dennis was the highest active scorer on the Mixed and Phone DXCCs.
On 2023-08-05, Hans Kappetijn ZS6KR died at the age of 78. Hans was one of only three South African members on the CW Honour Roll.
Note: For the moment, this section is not being maintained due to the demands of other priorities.
ClubLog has emerged as a powerful tool to assess DXpedition performance. It has also proven to be a very useful aid to DXpeditions. The operators can now upload their logs routinely, facilitating log checking in almost real time. The positive effects are numerous. DXers can keep track of their DX scores with practically no effort, and can order QSL cards painlessly on the Web. DXpeditions can use the OQRS function for direct and bureau cards and receive payments for postage costs without having to build the infrastructure themselves. However, there have also been negative effects.
The biggest single negative effect has been the Leaderboards feature, which shows the leading stations (in terms of number of QSOs with the DXpedition). Unfortunately, the effect has been to allow close-in stations and big guns to make dozens of meaningless contacts, while denying distant and weak stations the opportunity to make even one solitary contact. In the past, pileups would dry up after a few days of a big DXpedition. These days, pileups remain furious right to the end, making it impossible to crack them from the other end of the world. ZS stations are often victims, as the pileups remain impenetrable right to the end of some Pacific DXpeditions.
As a result, many major DXpeditions now no longer use the Leaderboards feature, hoping to discourage meaningless multiple QSOs.
The only situation where the Leaderboard doesn't do any harm is on really large Mega-Expeditions, where they actually run out of callers in the last few days after hundreds of thousands of contacts.
The Leaderboards can also be viewed for a specific DXCC country, a specific CQ zone, a continent or a radio club. Many local DXers watch the Zone 38 leaderboards in an attempt to see which bands and modes have been workable for a specific DXpedition. Very often, the leading DXers need perhaps one or two bands and perhaps a Digital contact. The Big Guns often make only those contacts, with perhaps another insurance contact or two on critical bands or modes. Others do not show the same restraint. Making dozens of contacts with a DXpedition in the early days does not show prowess. Instead, it is evidence of compulsive behaviour and it robs others of meaningful counters.
The table below shows some DXpeditions in 2018 with logs on ClubLog as seen from southern Africa. For stations using the Leaderboard, a lot of statistics can readily be seen. For others, some detective work is required. As a result, some of the entries have had to be guessed or inferred. The table gives a good indication of how workable the station was from here. For a close-in station, we would expect an M+B score of 3+9 or so. For distant stations (e.g. the Pacific), 3+6 is probably good going. Something like 2+4 shows pretty poor performance from an all-band and all-mode perspective, even at the other end of the world.
Although this author does not currently have the capacity to maintain such tables due to other commitments, an astute DXer would do well to analyse DXpedition activity in a similar way.
Key: Callsign; Month most active; Modes+Bands worked from Zone 38; Zone 38 Stations worked; Zone 38 QSOs; Total QSOs in thousands; number of operators; LotW posting; "+" means the operation is still in progress, and the numbers could still increase.
Call Active M+B 38Stns 38QSOs kQSOs Ops LotW Remarks E31A 2018-01 ?+7 >37 104 33 5 2018 JH1AJT, DJ9ZB, RZ3FW, RA9USU, E21EIC ZC4A 2018-01 ?+8 33 80 44 6 2018-02 Cypriot and British team VU4G 2018-03 2+4 16 18 8 1 2018-03 G4IRN 3C3W 2018-03 3+5 14 18 30 3 Later YL2GM, YL1ZF, YL2KL 3D2EU (Rot) 2018-03 1+2 2 3 30 5 Later German/Dutch/Fiji team Z60A 2018-01 3+8 60 148 99 >20 2018-02 Multinational team XR0YD 2018-03 ?+5 >9 21 46 10 Later German team TY7C 2018-03 3+8 18 25 40 10 Later F6KOP French/German/Austrian team 3B8XF 2018-03 1+5 >10 24 14 1 Later G3TXF (for Commonwealth Contest (CW only)) TN5R 2018-03 3+9 47 96 62 11 Later DX Friends (EA/F/I/HK/JA) 3C0W 2018-03 3+9 33 58 54 3 Later YL2GM, YL1ZF, YL2KL 7Q7EI 2018-03 3+8 55 106 37 14 Later EI DX Group (mostly Irish)
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As described above, the compilation of this list relied heavily on direct contact with individuals listed in ARRL publications. Although the callsign and score can be seen in the DXCC lists (at least for active stations), the dates and numbers cannot. The list is therefore incomplete, as many individuals no longer hold the same callsign, have died or are otherwise unreachable. In a few cases, listed operators have not responded to repeated begging. Assistance in obtaining missing information is always appreciated.
All stations are listed in chronological order as far as the order is known. Where several certificates were issued in the same month or year, they are listed in order of descending scores. I've inserted a gap at the end of each decade, to make it easier to gauge activity in a specific era at a glance.
Key: Issuing sequence in South Africa; Present callsign; original callsign when issued (if different); issue date, certificate number, highest known endorsement, year of highest known endorsement. Scores include deleted entities. As from 2012-03, there are 340 current countries (or "entities") on the list. In the process of transferring the records to the computer system, the ARRL introduced some discrepancies. Where such discrepancies have been noted, the current electronic total is shown with the symbol "?" to indicate that the previous score published in QST was different. Silent Key dates of death are indicated if available. "< 2005" means before 2005. "[1999-2001]" means somewhere within that interval.
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1. ZS2X <1947-10 28 211 1952 Rex Bosman--Silent Key 2. ZS6DW <1948-04 55 229 1959 W. F. (Bill) Meyer--Silent Key 3. ZS2AG <1948-10 162 1953 P. G. (Piet) Pretorius--Silent Key ZS6EU <1948-10 235 1970 Arthur Coetzee 5. ZS6CZ <1949-01 130 1950 Charles Stiemie--Silent Key 6. ZS6FN 1949-02 270 1964 R. Goldblatt?? 7. ZS6CT 1949-06 101 1950 Hugh W. Green (pre-war ZT6Y) 8. ZS5BS 1949-08 113 1950 Milton Roseveare?? ZS6A 1949-08 220 1964 Wally Browning--Silent Key ZS6GI 1949-08 123 1950 B. Friedman?? ZS6RM (ZS1M) 1949-08 356 1990 Dick Matthews--Silent Key [1988-1990] 12. ZS5U 1949-09 104 1950 Bert Buckley 13. ZS5CU 1949-10 142 1953 J. C. Livingstone 14. ZS6LW <1950-01 365 370 1994 A. D. "Van" van der Watt--Silent Key 2000-07 (See Personal Note 1) 15. ZS5YF <1950-02 188 1987 R. Fell?? 16. ZS6BW 1950 293 1961 Bert Sachs--Silent Key < 1990 ZS6HO 1950 114 1950 D. F. M. McCormack ZS2AT 1950 212 1965 Arthur B. Trewin ZS1BK 1950 232 1961 Tom Freeborough ZS6KK 1950 163 1958 Marie Kramer (later Cormack)--Silent Key ZS6IW (ZS2IW) 1950 345 1983 Mike Sherman--Silent Key < 1992 ZS1FD 1950 200 1987 F. Henry Flanter--Silent Key 1994 ZS6OW 1950 100 1950 24. ZS2CR 1951 140 1956 Wally White--Silent Key ZS2EC 1951 117 1951 Lassie M. White--Silent Key ZS6OV 1951 170 1958 J. van der Merwe ZS5FS 1951 106 1951 H. R. Turner?? ZS6JZ 1951 180 1985 H. C. Williams ZS6SB 1951 105 1951 Karl Baumann--Silent Key ZS7C 1951 101 1951 W. van Rensburg ZS3K 1951 140 1953 J. van Rooyen ZS6IH 1951 100 1951 Bennie Pienaar (or Goldblatt??) 33. ZS2U 1952-04-01 1471 305 1994 A. F. A. (Al) Akers ZS6BJ 1952 124 1953 Len Ensor?? ZS6J 1952 182 1971 Reg Green--Silent Key [1985-1995] ZS1FR 1952 122 1958 C. J. van der Westhuizen ZS6RI 1952 106 1952 C. E. Hogg ZS6QF 1952 105 1952 ZS2FH 1952 102 1952 Ron Inglis--Silent Key ZS6VR 1952 102 1952 Dr Chris J. Rabie ZS6OS 1952 101 1952 Dan Mahany--Silent Key ca. 1990 42. ZS6XQ 1953 105 1953 L. Nel ZS1BM 1953 103 1953 Stan Twine--Silent Key ca. 1980 ZS3S 1953 150 1962 M. Bloch ZS5KF 1953 100 1953 B. Miller?? ZS5LA 1953 113 1955 R. Walsh?? ZS6WJ 1955 112 1955 E. Dunkerly (Mrs) ZS5IO 1955 102 1955 ZS6SG 1955 110 1958 W. Saunders?? 50. ZS4AK 1956 120 1956 Joe F. Leask--Silent Key 1981-11 ZS1KK 1956 118 1956 W. J. E. Vermeulen ZS1EB 1956 109 1956 Bill du Toit ZS5AM 1956 111 1957 ZS4FP 1956 101 1956 J. W. Kuhn ZS5AW 1956 101 1957 G. C. Liebenberg (pre-war ZT5F) ZS6AEA 1956 123 1962 H. R. Howes 57. ZS6IX 1957 159 1957 A. L. Padmore ZS1OU 1957 350 1993 Jack Snyman--Silent Key [1998 - 2005] ZS1RM 1957 288 1965 Marge Snyman ZS6WS 1957 153 1963 W. Swanepoel?? ZS6AJQ 1957 129 1958 A. G. Carmichael 62. ZS4MG 1958-05-22 3555 338 1981 Syd Coosner--now ZS6CM (inactive in Pretoria) ZS4PB 1958-05-22 3556 105 1958 Pieter Botha--Silent Key 2012-11 ZS3BC 1958 103 1958 ZS6AJO 1958 148 1970 E. N. (Tubby) Gibson/Gilson ZS6DG 1958 100 1958 R. D. Wilson?? 67. ZS6BBP 1959? 4235?358 2001 Hans Behrens--later VK2FTZ--Silent Key 2013 68. ZS1EL (ZS1AL) 1959-08-11 4485 192 2001 Vidi la Grange 69. ZS1ACD 1959-09-10 4551 200 1972 Max Adler ZS4IO 1959 111 1960 P. J. van Niekerk ZS6ASW 1959 325 1994 C. P. (Gerry) Steenkamp ZS2LL (ZS6IF) 1959 274 1995 Lambert Ledoux--Silent Key 2005 ZS2JA 1959 108 1959 F. Johnson?? ZS6AHW 1959 106 1959 ZS6ATA 1959 240 1964 Norman Kropman ZS6APQ 1959 141 1960 F. J. Corry ZS1KO 1959 102 1959 Bill Ingleson--later ZS6KO--Silent Key 2013 ZS2AW 1959 102 1960 Dudley Forsythe ZS8I 1959 102 1959 T. E. Meyer 80. ZS5LU 1960 162 1968 C. D. Petersen (Peterson??) ZS2HI 1960 126 1960 Ken Bradley--Silent Key ZS4UP 1960 123 1960 J. P. van den Berg ZS1NQ 1960 200 1966 Gwen E. Smith ZS2HX 1960 116 1960 Harry Polakow--Silent Key ZS1SP 1960 104 1960 George Dowdney--Silent Key ca. 1990 ZS6AJX 1960 104 1960 Bob?? ZS1RK 1960 100 1960 M. L. (Monte??) Brauer ZS5KU 1960 200 1964 Jack Whittle ZS6FR 1960 100 1960 D. Phillips ZS6ZF 1960 100 1960 Jan du Preez 91. ZS6AJH 1961-03-28 5529 133 1961 Mannie de Beer--ZS6AK since <1980--Silent Key 2018-10-25 ZS1FA 1961 137 1961 J. C. (Chris) Nortier ZS5RS 1961 162 1967 John Kohler--now ZS6UL since <1980 ZS6YB 1961 110 1962 Doug Pitchford ZS6GS 1961 104 1961 J. Lamb?? ZS7M 1961 155 1964 Des Wahl ZS6KT 1961 100 1961 Dirk T. Fourie 98. ZS6VX 1962 206 1965 D. W. H. Helyar?? ZS3E 1962 135 1962 Kosie du Buisson (later V51E)--Silent Key 2005-11-24 ZS6ARI 1962 114 1962 A. J. (Arie) Verwoerdt ZS6JH 1962 103 1962 Herman Rothenberg--Silent Key 2022-03-29 ZS2KX 1962 101 1962 Cyril Goodman--Silent Key ZS4LX 1962 129 1964 Jeff T. Hulbert--Later ZS6ALX, now Silent Key 104. ZS6YQ 1963-07-01 6721 375 2003 Bushy Roode--Silent Key 2005-05 ZS4F 1963 186 1963 Frik J. de Bruyn ZS2CV 1963 202 1965 Eric Gertenbach ZS5UP 1963 193 1967 John Ayres ZS7R 1963 109 1963 Victor V. Parkhouse ZS3AH 1963 108 1963 A. M. Horne ZS6AUL 1963 107 1963 Piet Zondagh ZS6QK 1963 103 1963 Astor Levy?? ZS6AMS 1963 153 1965 Peter Schmarr/Schoeman??--Silent Key ZS6AZQ 1963 312 1994 Baby Steenkamp ZS2MH 1963 100 1963 Eileen M. Harris--Silent Key 115. ZS2RM 1964 320 1987 Percy Buckley--Silent Key 1987 ZS6BIJ 1964 121 1966 William A. Willers ZS3EW 1964 102 1964 Brian Connolly ZS6JQ 1964 101 1964 Cedar Ryan?? ZS5S 1964 100 1964 M. E. Smith??--Silent Key 120. ZS6BEJ 1965 115 1965 Horst Fischer ZS5BA 1965 102 1965 Bert Boutell--Silent Key ZS1O 1965 108 1968 ZS1JQ 1965 101 1965 ZS6BL 1965 100 1965 Basil Wood?? 125. ZS6BIG 1966 110 1966 Ray Hackett?? ZS6AUZ 1966 109 1966 H. Bloom?? ZS6AXU 1966 107 1966 Percy Cowley 128. ZS6CW 1967 133 1967 C. Watcham?? ZS6XP 1967 102 1967 W. ("Red") Cowley Green?? 130. ZS6BMD 1968 120 1969 Lambert O. "Bert" Theys 131. ZS2DC <1969-09 101 1969 Don G. Calder 132. ZS5LB 1969-10-06 10782 109 1970 Bert Lausecker--Silent Key 2015-05-26 133. ZS5WH 1970 103 1970 ZS6AR 1970 103 1970 R. Ehman?? ZS2PZ 1970 100 1970 G. W. Carr 136. ZS5SY 1971 107 1971 A. Rose?? ZS4RH 1971 103 1971 J. A. (Teddy) Bronkhorst--Silent Key ZS5OV 1973 105 1973 B. Robson-Garth?? 139. ZS6AFC 1974 103 1974 J. Moore ZS2EM 1974-06 199 1978 Ian W. B. Emslie ZS6ADT 1974-06 120 1976 I. J. Henning 142. ZS6BOK 1977 249 1986 Vince Lurie--now in Portugal 143. ZS6BNY 1979-05-08 18784 105 1979 Cliff M. Bestall (pre-war ZS6EZ)--Silent Key <2012 ZS1LM 1979 116 1979 Geoffrey H. Tinker ZS6ABA 1979 105 1979 Pieter Stofberg--Silent Key ZS6ALS 1979 102 1979 E. Salant?? ZS6BQT 1979 100 1979 E. Hagenaar?? 148. S8AAT 1980-03 ?? 139 1980 Len H. de Klerk ZS5BK 1980 110 1980 Bill Smith (also G4INN)--Silent Key 1991 ZS1JD 1980 259 1995 A. George Cooke--Silent Key 2007-09-05 151. ZS6ANL 1981-04-06 21490 142 1983 Norbert Taferner--Silent Key 2010-05-12 ZS5MY 1981-06-25 21858 277 1990 Franz Taschl--Silent Key as ZS6EU on 2013-01-11 ZS2MI 1981 110 1981 Marion Island Weather Station (Operator unknown) ZS6ST 1981 110 1981 Kosie Smit 155. ZS2DK 1981-11-12 22367 225 2009 Mitch V. Rundle 156. ZS2JS 1982 109 1982 ZS3TL 1982 106 1982 Rudi van der Walt (ex ZS1TL ZS4TL) ZS6NH 1982 102 1982 W. P. Kegel 159. ZS1J (ZS6P) 1983-05-31 24324 350 2018 Tjerk J. Lammers ZS6PI 1983 303 1989 C. B. De Wet van der Walt ZS5CO 1983 102 1983 Reg Sweet--Silent Key 2011-06 162. ZS5QO 1983-12-16 24761 153 1990 George A. Hurst--now NA9E 163. ZS6EZ (ZS6BCR) 1984-06-06 25190 350 2018 Chris R. Burger ZS5YN 1984 107 1984 Dermot C. Shanks ZS6BUR 1984 107 1984 Jim Houston ZS6XD 1984 107 1984 Bill Smith--now in Britain since ca. 1985 167. ZS6AE 1985 105 1985 Ad Liefbroer ZS1QJ 1985 103 1985 Jack Dellow 169. ZS5NK 1985-10-07 26100 353 2017 Gary Potgieter--Silent Key 2020-10-11 170. ZS3BI 1986 131 1989 Arnold Kollmann--later V51BI ZS5AZ 1986 102 1986 Stan Finn?? 172. ZS6WB 1986-10-22 26728 346 2018 Hal Lund 173. ZS/W6KG 1987-05-28 27138 116 1988 Lloyd Colvin--Silent Key 1993-12 ZS1WQ 1987 130 1989 Rusty Lotter 175. ZS4TX 1989-07-10 28787 349 2018 Bernie van der Walt 176. ZS6HZ 1990-06-04 29711 100 1990 Marc Lurie 177. ZS6AOO 1990-10-17 328 1998 Jim de Almeida--now CT1HGS since ca. 1996 178. ZS9/W6KG 1991-08-22 30801 113 1991 Lloyd Colvin--Silent Key 1993-12 179. ZS1A (ZS6JHS) 1992-08-14 31677 344 2023 Johan Sevenster 180. ZS1FJ 1992-12-04 348 2019 Barry Fletcher--now 9V1FJ since 2004 ZS5MM 1992 108? 1992 Mack Laxon 182. ZS6AYE 1993-03-29 32208 267 2021 Braam Devenier 183. ZS5HAM 1993-06-06 32325 101 1993 Highway Branch, SARL 184. ZS2DL 1993-09-27 32812 341 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 185. ZS2LR 1993-09-27 32813 191? 1993 Jim van Loggerenberg--Silent Key 2016 186. ZS4Y 1995-10-24 34505 217 1996 Leon Foot 187. ZS6Y 1995-12-04 34551 191? 1996 Etienne Swart 188. ZS2KV 1996 280 1996 Stanley S. Geer 189. ZS1EL (ZS6AL) 2000-06-24 37041 295 2013 Vidi la Grange 190. ZS6MG 2000-09-30 37241 246 2011 Vlado Karamitrov--now N3CZ since 2004 191. ZS6NK 2002-03-04 38109 244 2024 Paul Smit 192. ZS6IL 2005-09-13 40533 119 2005 Ivan Lusic > [2005 incomplete--more stations may have been added] 193. ZS6AND 2006-06-12 40794 109 2006 Aurelio Da Camara 194. ZS2EZ 2007-02-13 41146 336 2022 Barry Murrell 195. ZS4U 2008-01-26 41755 102 2008 Barney Fourie--now ZS5TU since 2016, previously ZS6TQ 196. ZS2I 2008-11-16 42449 321 2017 Johan van Aarde 197. ZS2Y 2008-11-18 42491 320 2024 Thian de Jager 198. ZS1JY 2010-09-24 44119 100 2010 Jacques J. le Roux 199. ZS1XG (ZS1XUK) 2010-11-03 44215 322 2019 Simon C. Cammies 200. ZS1AFS 2010-11-11 44242 161 2019 Tom Morgan--also ZT1T, G0CAJ 201. ZS1AU 2010-12-30 44450 361 2022 Dennis Wells--Silent Key 2023-04-27 202. ZS6RJ 2011-02-22 44150 267 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 203. ZS1C (ZS1REC) 2011-03-21 44617 285 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 204. ZS1IS (ZS6BSP) 2011-05-06 44851 122 2014 Jan Grobbelaar 205. ZS3D 2011-06-25 44986 113 2011 Danie Mans--Silent Key 2023 206. ZS2CR 2011-09-18 45273 150 2011 Colette Rundle 207. ZS5SAM 2011-11-20 45504 102 2011 Fred Andreas 208. ZS6NJ 2011-11-29 45552 325 2019 Fanie Nel 209. ZS6AKU 2011-12-01 45569 206 2014 Dirk U. Els 210. ZS6UT 2012-08-03 46663 323 2016 Edmar Willers 211. ZS1ROM 2012-09-23 57071 100 2012 T. J. (Thys) Greyling 212. ZR6DX 2013-01-09 57543 159 2015 Noel Hammond 213. ZS6PVT 2013-02-11 57697 102 2013 Phillip van Tonder 214. ZS1LS 2013-03-07 57742 325 2023 Allan Saul 215. ZS6C (ZS6GRL) 2013-04-03 57888 278 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 216. ZS8IR 2013-04-21 57988 100 2013 Christian J. de Beer ZS6RI 217. ZS6A 2013-07-06 58236 261 2015 Pierre van Deventer 218. ZS1TMJ 2013-09-20 47990 121 2013 Sydney N. Smith (also M0ZAR) 219. ZS6WN 2014-04-19 59282 262 2018 Karel G. J. Bezuidenhout 220. ZS6Z 2014-04-22 59137 104 2014 Pretoria Contest Club 221. ZT1T 2014-10-16 59??? 103 2014 Tom Morgan--also ZS1AFS [Incomplete--see note 8] 222. ZS1DX 2015-02-07 60202 272 2023 Christian von Wechmar 223. ZS6EGB 2015-07-22 60826 217 2015 Emil Böhme 224. ZS6WR 2016-03-14 61533 100 2016 West Rand Amateur Radio Club 225. ZS6ZA 2016-03-29 61582 101 2016 Etienne Nieuwoudt 226. ZS6BK 2016-04-19 61663 121 2020 Bruce G. Rowan 227. ZS6ZP 2016-07-15 61944 101 2016 Eric Krebser 228. ZS6CNC 2016-10-13 62165 102 2016 Adi Loupo 229. ZS1SA 2016-10-11 62827 101 2016 Rob Bareham 230. ZS1ZC 2016-10-14 62168 134 2018 John Golby 231. ZS5LEE 2016-11-13 62260 243 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 232. ZS6UB 2016-11-28 62291 102 2016 Vincent Potgieter 233. ZS6HON 2017-02-02 62482 205 2021 Helgard R. Honiball 234. ZS3VIC 2017-07-16 62955 100 2017 Vic Moore 235. ZS6TVB 2018-03-10 63561 159 2018 Theo Bresler 236. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 63618 218 2020 Jan Botha 237. ZS3SH 2018-08-18 64040 140 2018 Hermanus C. (Stoffel) Honiball 238. ZS1SBW 2018-08-28 64068 198 2023 Shawn Billy Williams 239. ZS1ALJ 2018-08-29 64071 104 2018 Hans J. Potgieter 240. ZS6CR 2018-09-25 64133 162 2021 Cor J. Rademeyer 241. ZS6S (ZS6RAS) 2018-11-03 64229 156 2019 Alastair Skudder 242. ZS2PE 2019-11-11 65201 101 2019 Port Elizabeth Amateur Radio Society 243. ZR2A 2019-11-13 65203 145 2023 Ulrich Ann DM5EE 244. ZS0RR 2020-09-14 66124 122 2023 Roman Rock Radio Club 245. ZS6EFN 2024 115 2024 Etienne Naude
ZS1VP Buck Taylor (later G0OYH)--Silent Key 2007-08-07 [1 station]
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1. ZS6FU 1949-08 297 1990 Les Scott?? 2. ZS6Q 1950-03 313 1966 Alan Chenik--Silent Key < 1980 ZS6BW 1950 284 1959 Bert Sachs--Silent Key < 1990 ZS1DO 1950 267 1965 J. P. Malan ZS5CU 1950 126 1953 J. C. Livingstone ZS5GU 1950 108 <1950 Ken Clayton ZS6DW 1950 214 1958 W. F. (Bill) Meyer--Silent Key ZS6IW (ZS2IW) 1950 111 1955 Mike Sherman--Silent Key < 1992 9. ZS6LW 1951-02-23 341 369 1994 A. D. "Van" van der Watt--Silent Key 2000-07 (See Personal Note 1) 10. ZS1GG 1951 111 1957 D. G. J. Franken?? ZS5G 1951 102 1951 C. Ridge?? ZS3G 1951 151 1957 Dougie Fouché 13. ZS1KW 1952 132 1953 C. J. Brink ZS6Z 1952 149 1961 Arland Ussher--Silent Key ca. 1985 15. ZS6FN 1954 261 1964 R. Goldblatt?? 16. ZS2AT 1955 122 1961 Arthur B Trewin 17. ZS1MQ 1956 100 1956 M. K. H. (Bud) Smith (Later VE7??) 18. ZS6WS 1957 105 1957 W. Swanepoel ZS3AB 1957 100 1957 Barney Joel (also ZS1AB)--Silent Key 1960 20. ZS6JM (ZS5JM) 1958 356 1989 John McCoy--Silent Key; callsign reallocated 2001 21. ZS5NZ 1958 114 1958 Milne Buchan--Silent Key 22. ZS6AHW 1959-04 104 1959 23. ZS1FD 1959 140 1959 F. Henry Flanter--Silent Key 1994 ZS5PG 1959 327 1986 Jack Winter--Silent Key ca. 1995 ZS6UR 1959 311 1967 Wim Ruurds ZS5ZG 1959 102 1959 ZS1KO 1959 100 1959 Bill Ingleson??--later ZS6KO--Silent Key 2013 ZS8I 1959 100 1960 T. E. Meyer 29. ZS2HX 1960 119 1960 Harry Polakow--Silent Key ZS2ND 1960 114 1960 H. E. Williams-Jones ZS4UP 1960 108 1960 J. P. van den Berg ZS5DW 1960 106 1960 B. Meyer ZS6AIA 1960 105 1960 ZS1OE 1960 160 1984 Louis S. Rosenzweig?? ZS1RV 1960 102 1960 W. A. (Oscar) van Schoor ZS1DC 1960 261 1975 Jack Swart--Silent Key ca. 1990 37. ZS6ADB 1961 101 1961 John L. Gamble ZS6YB 1961 105 1962 Doug Pitchford 39. ZS4MG 1962 151 1962 Syd Coosner--now ZS6CM (inactive in Pretoria) ZS3E 1962 122 1962 Kosie du Buisson--Silent Key 2005-11-24 ZS6VX 1962 166 1965 D. W. H. Helyar?? ZS6NM 1962 103 1962 Phil Miller ZS4LX 1962 129 1964 Jeff T. Hulbert--Later ZS6ALX, now Silent Key ZS6JH 1962 100 1962 ? Rathenburg?? 45. ZS6YQ 1963-07-01 2542 374 2003 Bushy Roode--Silent Key 2005-05 46. ZS6BBP 1963-08-06 2575 358 2001 Hans Behrens--later VK2FTZ--Silent Key 2013 ZS6AMV 1963 157 1963 A. J. Louw ZS6QB/QW? 1963 105 1963 M. E. P. Ellis??/J. Nevett?? 49. ZS1TZ 1964 106 1964 Anita Rabie--Silent Key 2012-10 in Pennsylvania, USA ZS6AKI 1964 102 1964 51. ZS4OI 1965 203 1968 J. B. Nienaber ZS5TC 1965 113 1965 E. Simpson?? ZS6ALM 1965 104 1965 P. Hutchinson?? ZS3LW 1965 102 1965 55. ZS5UR 1966 315 1969 Bert Busby??--Silent Key 2011-09-16 ZS6BIN 1966 111 1966 N. M. Lapidus?? 57. ZS8L 1967 259 1970 Uli W. Dehning--later 7P8AR--now ZS1UD since <1980 ZS2FA 1967 147 1967 C. W. Posselt?? ZS6AUZ 1967 103 1967 H. Bloom?? ZS6XP 1967 123 <1982 W. ("Red") Cowley Green?? 61. ZS9L <1969-09 160 1969 Gordon H. Davis ZS6KC <1969-09 104 1969 Fred?? F. Bonheim?? ZS2DC <1969-09 101 1969 Don G. Calder 64. ZS5LB 1969-10-06 4711 109 1970 Bert Lausecker--Silent Key 2015-05-26 65. ZS4RN 1970-09 ?? 166 1970 J. G. du Plessis?? ZS2PD 1970 193 1971 P. D. Neveling?? ZS6AR 1970 103 1970 R. Ehman?? 68. ZS6ACK 1971 180 1972 B. Ackerman 69. ZS7P 1972 128 1972 Peter J. Lamont--later ZS6AJG ZS6BLK 1972 140 1975 J. G. Wulfsohn?? ZS1KZ 1972 150 1975 Bert Carstens 72. ZS1ANT 1973 100 1973 SANAE Base (operator unknown) 73. ZS2SG 1975-06-02 7366 110 1975 Barry Jackson--now ZS2H--Silent Key 2019-12-29 ZS6RM 1975 351 1990 Dick Matthews--Silent Key [1988-1990] 75. ZS5MQ 1976-07-16 7661 152 1975 Bert Cornell (See Personal Note 2) 76. ZS5YA 1979 102 1979 77. ZS1JD 1980 252 1995 A. George Cooke--Silent Key 2009-09-05 ZS4W 1980 106 1980 Brink Genis (ex ZS6NK) ZS6ALS 1980 105 1980 ZS2BD 1980 104 1980 Heinz D. G. Buggert--now Heinz D. G. Jasson ZS2HJ 81. ZS3MS 1980-12-17 11171 156 1985 Martin Smith--now ZS5M 82. ZS6LG 1981 117 1981 ZS2MI 1981 110 1981 Marion Island Weather Station (Operator unknown) 84. ZS6LF 1982 107 1982 ZS6XK 1982 105 1982 Howard Keanly--Silent Key ZS6XS 1982 103 1982 Rob Henry--now ZS5XS ZS3TL 1982 150 1984 Rudi van der Walt (ex ZS1TL ZS4TL) 88. ZS6PI 1983 301 1989 C. B. De Wet van der Walt ZS6GF 1983 202 1983 F. J. A. Kotze ZS2BS 1983 166 1983 Barry Sherman ZS1S (ZS1BR) 1983 106 1983 Paul Johnson ZS6NK 1983 103 1983 Shemaya Frame--Callsign reallocated 2002 93. ZS6EZ (ZS6BCR) 1984-06-06 14445 349 2018 Chris R. Burger ZS4AE 1984 128 1984 Franz Heidler--Silent Key 2007 95. ZS5NK 1985-10-07 15196 353 2017 Gary Potgieter--Silent Key 2020-10-11 96. ZS6TB 1985-11-23 15261 158 1990 Joe Katzmann 97. ZS6AXC 1986-04-03 15456 102 1986 Hans Breebaart--Silent Key 2021/'22 98. ZS6WB 1986-10-22 15707 343 2016 Hal Lund 99. ZS4NS 1988-04-06 16556 170? 2000 Nico Schoonwinkel 100. ZS4TX 1989-07-10 17366 349 2020 Bernie van der Walt 101. ZS6HO 1990-07-23 18130 156 1997 Dave Miller ZS6BRM 1990 104 1990 A. Goldberg?? 103. ZS6AOO 1990-10-17 18568 328 1995 Jim de Almeida--now CT1HGS since 1996 104. ZS2ACP 1992-01-13 19331 251 2017 André Botes 105. ZS1A (ZS6JHS) 1992-08-14 19821 344 2023 Johan Sevenster 106. ZS1FJ 1992-12-04 20077 344 2019 Barry Fletcher--now 9V1FJ since 2004 107. ZS5ACW 1992 131 1992 Paul T. Fourie--Silent Key < 1999 108. ZS6AYE 1993-03-29 20310 260 2021 Braam Devenier 109. ZS5HAM 1993-06-06 20420 101 1993 Highway Branch, SARL 110. ZS6CEZ 1994-06-13 21489 102? 1994 Marietjie Coetzee 111. ZS1LVH 1995-07-05 22252 204 2003 Louis van Heerden 112. ZS6NB 1995-08-08 22309 276? 2001 Ken Pickersgill 113. ZS4Y 1995-10-24 22497 217 1996 Leon Foot 114. ZS6Y 1995-12-04 22534 179 1996 Etienne Swart 115. ZS5BBO 1998-08-28 23711 103 1998 Edwin Musto--now ZL1BBO since <2009 116. ZS2I (ZS4I) 1998-12-14 23921 280 2017 Johan van Aarde 117. ZS6OMC 1999-06-24 24130 100 1999 Charles Kurt 118. ZS6RVG 2000-09-25 24717 151 2000 Dave Plaskett--Silent Key < 2010 119. ZS2I 2000- - 102 2000 Izak van Aarde--Silent Key 2006 120. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 32250 300 2002 Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 121. ZS6EGB 2002-03-04 32482 179 2015 Emil Böhme 122. ZS6IL 2005-06-25 33984 118 2005 Ivan Lusic 123. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2005-10-04 34082 350 2018 Tjerk J. Lammers > [2005 incomplete--more stations may have been added] 124. ZS2DL 2006-06-27 34331 324 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 125. ZS2EZ 2008-05-07 34990 300 2018 Barry Murrell 126. ZS2Y 2010-09-15 36131 253 2024 Thian de Jager 127. ZS1AU 2010-12-30 36267 360 2022 Dennis Wells--Silent Key 2023-04-27 128. ZS4BS 2011-02-08 36286 100 2010 Dennis Green 129. ZS6RJ 2011-08-09 40074 213 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 130. ZS2CR 2011-09-18 40206 103 2011 Colette Rundle 131. ZS5SAM 2011-11-20 40317 102 2011 Fred Andreas 132. ZS3D 2011-12-21 40402 110 2011 Danie Mans--Silent Key 2023 133. ZS6NJ 2012-02-01 40554 276 2018 Fanie Nel 134. ZS1LS 2012-06-01 40778 312 2023 Allan Saul 135. ZS6AKU 2013-01-13 41296 150 2014 Dirk U. Els 136. ZS6C (ZS6GRL) 2013-04-03 41479 230 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 137. ZS6UT 2013-04-14 41514 205 2016 Edmar Willers 138. ZR6DX 2014-09-18 42573 113 2015 Noel Hammond 139. ZS6A 2015-09-29 43307 142 2015 Pierre van Deventer 140. ZS6TVB 2016-11-03 43972 159 2018 Theo Bresler 141. ZR6GR 2017-04-06 44195 201 2017 Gert Rautenbach 142. ZS3VIC 2017-07-16 44311 100 2017 Vic Moore 143. ZS1C 2017-08-04 44323 135 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 144. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 44573 132 2020 Jan Botha 145. ZS1SBW 2018-11-04 44764 159 2023 Shawn Billy Williams 146. ZS2EC 2019-02-08 44872 119 2019 Theunis Potgieter 147. ZS1OPB 2019-08-08 45001 106 2019 Robert Lock 148. ZS6S 2019-12-06 45??? 100 2019 Alastair Skudder [Incomplete--see note 8] 149. ZS6ELI 2021-01-29 45425 104 2021 Evan E. Seligmann
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1. ZS3BT 1980- - 100 1980 Erich Beckert--Silent Key 2003-07-05 2. ZS6ANL 1981-04-06 1629 133 1984 Norbert Taferner--Silent Key 2010-05-12 3. ZS2U 1984-01-03 2882 252 1994 Al Akers 4. ZS6KR (ZS6BSZ) 1984-03-24 2290 347 2018 Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 5. ZS6EZ (ZS6BCR) 1984-06-06 3072 349 2018 Chris R. Burger 6. ZS2WV 1985-04-01 3347 175 1993 Wim van Vorstenbosch--now ZS1WV 7. ZS2RM 1987-02-17 5568?240 1987 Percy Buckley--Silent Key 1987 8. ZS6NT 1989-02-10 4518 157 1992 Dwight West--Later AD7AQ--Silent Key 2009-12-25 9. ZS4TX 1990-09-28 5286 348 2018 Bernie van der Walt 10. ZS1AFZ 1995-01-23 7076 161 1995 Poppie Oosthuizen 11. ZS6/G3SGQ 1996-04-11 7587 118 1996 Ron Hill--Silent Key 2009? 12. ZS6UT 1996-08-19 7688 316 2016 Edmar Willers 13. ZS6ESU 1998-11-23 8380 106 1999 Hester la Grange--Later ZS1ESU--Silent Key 2011-06-18 14. ZS1EL (ZS6AL) 1998-11-23 8382 284 2013 Vidi la Grange 15. ZS6AA (ZS1AN) 2003-08-25 9766 139 2007 Andrew Roos 16. ZS6EGB 2004-10-22 10098 138 2015 Emil G. Böhme 17. ZS2DL 2006-06-27 10535 334 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 18. ZS6X (ZS6BQI) 2008-06-10 11148 230 2011 Artour Makhtsiev--now YU9MBA since ca. 2012 19. ZS2EZ 2009-11-06 11714 314 2018 Barry Murrell 20. ZS2Y 2010-09-15 12228 276 2024 Thian de Jager 21. ZS1C (ZS1REC) 2011-03-21 12391 283 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 22. ZS6RJ 2011-05-05 12466 228 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 23. ZS2I 2011-05-31 12579 279 2017 Johan van Aarde 24. ZS6NJ 2012-02-01 13074 310 2019 Fanie Nel 25. ZS1IS (ZS6K) 2012-03-17 13112 102 2012 Jan Grobbelaar 26. ZS1LS 2012-09-01 13328 320 2023 Allan Saul 27. ZS6EA 2013-01-20 13673 104 2013 Victor P. du Preez 28. ZS6WB 2013-04-23 13776 313 2019 Hal Lund 29. ZS6C (ZS6GRL) 2013-06-26 13885 230 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 30. ZS6A 2013-07-03 13898 229 2015 Pierre van Deventer 31. ZS6AKU 2014-06-20 20773 100 2014 Dirk U. Els 32. ZS6JP 2014-10-11 20948 109 2014 Joop Hesp--Silent Key ca. 2022 33. ZS5XT 2015-08-31 22316 152 2015 Bruce P. Dunn 34. ZS6BK 2017-04-07 23061 116 2020 Bruce G. Rowan 35. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 23388 102 2020 Jan Botha 36. ZS1ZC 2018-10-01 23553 104 2018 John Golby 37. ZS1A 2019-04-22 23731 182 2024 Johan Sevenster 38. ZR2A 2019-11-13 23850 137 2023 Ulrich Ann DM5EE
1. ZS6EZ 1996-09-23 755 295 2020 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS6RVG 2000-09-25 1037 146 2006 Dave Plaskett--Silent Key < 2010 3. ZS2DL 2008-04-01 1881 303 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 4. ZS2EZ 2008-05-07 1916 315 2022 Barry Murrell 5. ZS2Y 2009-04-20 2160 279 2023 Thian de Jager 6. ZS2I 2010-11-02 2666 178 2017 Johan van Aarde 7. ZS2CR 2011-09-18 2893 116 2011 Colette Rundle 8. ZS6C (ZS6GRL) 2011-12-08 3005 208 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 9. ZS1LS 2012-02-09 3109 322 2023 Allan Saul 10. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2012-07-17 3290 207 2024 Tjerk J. Lammers 11. ZS6AKU 2012-10-07 3353 142 2014 Dirk U. Els 12. ZS4TX 2012-12-31 3529 296 2024 Bernie van der Walt 13. ZS6RJ 2013-03-01 3516 153 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 14. ZS6WB 2013-04-23 3572 288 2018 Hal Lund 15. ZS1A 2013-06-02 3604 307 2024 Johan Sevenster 16. ZS6OB 2013-12-14 3836 104 2014 Jan Pienaar 17. ZR6DX 2014-04-18 3930 120 2015 Noel Hammond 18. ZS6A 2015-09-29 4420 122 2015 Pierre van Deventer 19. ZS5LEE 2016-11-13 4784 231 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 20. ZS6HON 2017-03-19 4896 203 2021 Helgard R. Honiball 21. ZS1XG 2018-02-25 5329 200 2019 Simon C. Cammies 22. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 5402 192 2020 Jan Botha 23. ZS1ALJ 2018-08-29 5706 100 2018 Hans J. Potgieter 24. ZS6CR 2018-10-10 5772 158 2021 Cor J. Rademeyer 25. ZS1SBW 2019-01-31 5999 157 2023 Shawn Billy Williams 26. ZS6S 2019-04-25 6??? 134 2019 Alastair Skudder [Incomplete--see note 8] 27. ZS6GC 2019-09-28 6431 118 2019 Gert Botha 28. ZS6EB 2019-09-28 6432 108 2019 Elna Botha 29. ZS0RR 2020-10-17 7286 115 2023 Roman Rock Radio Club 30. ZS6JBZ 2020-11-15 7346 100 2020 Johann Bezuidenhout 31. ZS6NJ 2021-04-27 7779 146 2024 Fanie Nel 32. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 9642 266 2023 Christian von Wechmar 33. ZS6EFN 2024 115 2024 Etienne Naude
1. ZS2ACP 1995-08-14 210 104 2001 André Botes 2. ZS1LS 2021-03-23 350 160 2023 Allan Saul 3. ZS4TX 2022-08-29 415 152 2024 Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS2BK 2023-10-13 482 106 2023 Andre van Deventer
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1. ZS5LB 1987-02-06 199 161 1995 Bert Lausecker--Silent Key 2015-05-26 2. ZS6EZ 1997-09-27 698 155 2018 Chris R. Burger 3. ZS4TX 1997-09-30 711 223 2024 Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS6UT 2003-07-16 1024 128 2016 Edmar Willers 5. ZS1C (ZS1REC) 2011-05-07 2006 141 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 6. ZS1LS 2019-04-17 3315 171 2023 Allan Saul 7. ZS1A 2020-05-06 3542 127 2024 Johan Sevenster 8. ZS2DL 2023-10-11 3904 100 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg
1. ZS6EZ (ZS6BCR) 1988-11-01 120 263 2018 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS6KR 1996-09-23 1357 208 2020 Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 3. ZS6WB 1996-09-26 1344 191 2019 Hal Lund 4. ZS4TX 2000-09-30 1829 303 2020 Bernie van der Walt 5. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 1901 122 2002 Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 6. ZS2DL 2010-05-17 3016 182 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 7. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2011-03-17 3167 135 2024 Tjerk J. Lammers 8. ZS1A 2014-03-06 3974 196 2024 Johan Sevenster 9. ZS6UT 2016-09-19 4392 146 2016 Edmar Willers 10. ZS1LS 2017-02-17 4497 252 2023 Allan Saul 11. ZS1C 2017-08-10 4602 120 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 12. ZS2ACP 2017-08-14 4604 109 2019 André Botes 13. ZS2EZ 2017-11-02 4630 157 2022 Barry Murrell 14. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 4737 117 2020 Jan Botha 15. ZS6NJ 2018-04-05 4743 124 2021 Fanie Nel 16. ZS5LEE 2018-08-31 4815 118 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 17. ZS2Y 2019-01-13 4892 128 2024 Thian de Jager 18. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 5609 112 2024 Paul Smit 19. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 5762 102 2023 Christian von Wechmar
1. ZS6EZ (ZS6BCR) 1989-05-01 131 325 2018 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS1J (ZS6P) 1995-09-21 1430 265 2021 Tjerk J. Lammers 3. ZS6KR 1996-09-23 1682 298 2019 Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 4. ZS6WB 1996-09-26 1662 280 2018 Hal Lund 5. ZS4TX 2000-09-30 3611 347 2018 Bernie van der Walt 6. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 3719 166 2002 Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 7. ZS2DL 2008-04-01 4606 290 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 8. ZS1EL 2008-03-21 4753 153 2013 Vidi la Grange 9. ZS2EZ 2011-06-18 5497 235 2022 Barry Murrell 10. ZS6NJ 2012-05-08 5825 163 2021 Fanie Nel 11. ZS6UT 2012-08-03 5899 213 2016 Edmar Willers 12. ZS2ACP 2013-05-26 6225 146 2019 André Botes 13. ZS1A 2014-03-06 6473 266 2023 Johan Sevenster 14. ZS6RJ 2014-04-18 6??? 125 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 [Incomplete--see note 8] 15. ZS1C 2015-09-02 6848 171 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 16. ZS2I 2015-09-15 6858 123 2017 Johan van Aarde 17. ZS1LS 2017-02-17 7250 293 2023 Allan Saul 18. ZS2Y 2017-03-24 7281 158 2024 Thian de Jager 19. ZS5LEE 2017-06-11 7342 165 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 20. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 7537 148 2020 Jan Botha 21. ZS1SBW 2020-06-17 8153 115 2023 Shawn Billy Williams 22. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 8702 123 2023 Paul Smit 23. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 8945 145 2023 Christian von Wechmar 24. ZS6CR 2024-01-09 101 2024 Cor J. Rademeyer
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1. ZS6EZ 2002-11-15 -- 313 2020 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS1EL 2006-02-28 -- 161 2011 Vidi la Grange 3. ZS2DL 2009-06-10 -- 298 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 4. ZS2EZ 2010-09-20 -- 263 2022 Barry Murrell 5. ZS6NJ 2012-02-01 -- 230 2024 Fanie Nel 6. ZS6UT 2012-08-03 -- 225 2016 Edmar Willers 7. ZS4TX 2012-12-19 -- 300 2024 Bernie van der Walt 8. ZS6WB 2013-04-23 -- 296 2019 Hal Lund 9. ZS6RJ 2014-05-16 122 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 10. ZS2I 2015-09-15 -- 122 2017 Johan van Aarde 11. ZS1C 2015-12-07 -- 154 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 12. ZS2ACP 2016-11-07 -- 130 2019 André Botes 13. ZS2Y 2016-11-28 -- 195 2024 Thian de Jager 14. ZS1LS 2017-02-17 -- 305 2023 Allan Saul 15. ZS5LEE 2017-10-16 -- 145 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 16. ZS1A 2017-10-07 -- 223 2024 Johan Sevenster 17. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 -- 107 2020 Jan Botha 18. ZS6C 2019-04-10 -- 101 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 19. ZS1J 2020-01-24 -- 173 2023 Tjerk J. Lammers 20. ZS6HON 2021-??-?? 102 2021 Helgard R. Honiball 21. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 -- 115 2024 Paul Smit 22. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 -- 199 2023 Christian von Wechmar
1. ZS6EZ 2000-09-30 -- 343 2018 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 -- 276 2002 Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 3. ZS4TX 2003-03-30 -- 340 2024 Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS1EL 2006-02-28 -- 233 2013 Vidi la Grange 5. ZS2DL 2006-06-27 -- 328 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 6. ZS2EZ 2008-05-07 -- 320 2022 Barry Murrell 7. ZS2I 2008-11-16 -- 274 2017 Johan van Aarde 8. ZS6KR 2009-07-10 -- 332 2018 Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 9. ZS2Y 2009-10-23 -- 244 2024 Thian de Jager 10. ZS1AU 2010-12-30 -- 330 2022 Dennis Wells--Silent Key 2023-04-27 11. ZS2ACP 2011-03-11 3830 212 2019 André Botes 12. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2011-03-17 3747 319 2024 Tjerk J. Lammers 13. ZS6RJ 2011-08-09 -- 188 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 14. ZS2CR 2011-09-18 -- 113 2011 Colette Rundle 15. ZS6NJ 2012-05-08 -- 238 2024 Fanie Nel 16. ZS6UT 2012-08-03 -- 242 2016 Edmar Willers 17. ZS6C (ZS6GRL) 2013-04-03 -- 213 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 18. ZS6WB 2013-04-23 -- 315 2019 Hal Lund 19. ZS1A 2014-03-06 -- 316 2024 Johan Sevenster 20. ZS6AKU 2014-06-20 -- 103 2014 Dirk U. Els 21. ZS1LS 2014-09-01 -- 322 2023 Allan Saul 22. ZS1C 2014-11-12 -- 217 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 23. ZR6DX 2015-02-27 -- 103 2015 Noel Hammond 24. ZS5LEE 2017-01-10 -- 211 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 25. ZR6GR 2017-11-09 129 2017 Gert Rautenbach [Incomplete--see note 8] 26. ZS6TVB 2018-03-10 -- 117 2018 Theo Bresler 27. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 -- 161 2020 Jan Botha 28. ZS6HON 2018-08-08 -- 117 2020 Helgard R. Honiball 29. ZS1SBW 2018-11-04 -- 179 2023 Shawn Billy Williams 30. ZS6S 2019-04-25 127 2019 Alastair Skudder [Incomplete--see note 8] 31. ZS6CR 2019-06-25 129 2020 Cor J. Rademeyer [Incomplete--see note 8] 32. ZR2A 2019-11-13 -- 125 2023 Ulrich Ann DM5EE 33. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 -- 126 2024 Paul Smit 34. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 -- 234 2023 Christian von Wechmar
1. ZS6EZ 2001-05-21 -- 320 2018 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 -- 184 2002 Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 3. ZS1EL 2008-03-21 -- 182 2011 Vidi la Grange 4. ZS2DL 2009-06-10 -- 309 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 5. ZS2EZ 2009-12-18 -- 307 2019 Barry Murrell 6. ZS2Y 2011-06-10 17561 218 2024 Thian de Jager 7. ZS6RJ 2012-02-17 -- 160 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 8. ZS6NJ 2012-02-01 -- 262 2021 Fanie Nel 9. ZS4TX 2012-09-09 -- 298 2024 Bernie van der Walt 10. ZS6WB 2013-04-23 -- 280 2019 Hal Lund 11. ZS1A 2014-03-06 -- 288 2024 Johan Sevenster 12. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2014-04-03 -- 230 2024 Tjerk J. Lammers 13. ZS6AKU 2014-06-20 -- 105 2014 Dirk U. Els 14. ZS1LS 2014-09-01 -- 319 2023 Allan Saul 15. ZS1C 2014-11-12 -- 158 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 16. ZS6C 2016-04-04 -- 200 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 17. ZS2I 2016-06-02 -- 149 2017 Johan van Aarde 18. ZS6UT 2016-09-19 -- 191 2016 Edmar Willers 19. ZS5LEE 2017-09-11 -- 170 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 20. ZS2ACP 2017-10-13 -- 121 2019 André Botes 21. ZR6GR 2017-11-09 137 2017 Gert Rautenbach 22. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 -- 157 2020 Jan Botha 23. ZS6CR 2020-08-12 -- 103 2020 Cor J. Rademeyer 24. ZS6HON 2020-10-06 -- 149 2020 Helgard R. Honiball 25. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 -- 115 2024 Paul Smit 26. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 -- 217 2023 Christian von Wechmar
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1. ZS6KR 2000-09-18 -- 324 2018 Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 2. ZS6EZ 2000-09-30 -- 344 2018 Chris R. Burger 3. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 -- 256 2002 Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 4. ZS4TX 2003-03-30 -- 340 2024 Bernie van der Walt 5. ZS1EL 2006-02-28 -- 205 2013 Vidi la Grange 6. ZS6RVG 2006-03-27 -- 106 2006 Dave Plaskett--Silent Key < 2010 7. ZS2DL 2006-06-27 -- 318 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 8. ZS2EZ 2008-05-07 -- 288 2022 Barry Murrell 9. ZS2I 2008-11-16 -- 241 2017 Johan van Aarde 10. ZS2Y 2010-09-15 -- 263 2024 Thian de Jager 11. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2011-03-17 3204 278 2022 Tjerk J. Lammers 12. ZS6RJ 2011-08-09 3369 185 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 13. ZS2ACP 2012-01-04 -- 144 2019 André Botes 14. ZS6NJ 2012-02-01 -- 255 2021 Fanie Nel 15. ZS6UT 2012-08-03 -- 207 2016 Edmar Willers 16. ZS6C (ZS6GRL) 2013-04-03 -- 229 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 17. ZS6WB 2013-04-23 -- 320 2018 Hal Lund 18. ZS6AKU 2013-08-09 -- 120 2014 Dirk U. Els 19. ZS1A 2014-03-06 -- 308 2024 Johan Sevenster 20. ZR6DX 2014-04-18 -- 118 2015 Noel Hammond 21. ZS1C 2014-08-02 -- 207 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 22. ZS1LS 2014-09-01 -- 317 2023 Allan Saul 23. ZS5LEE 2017-03-01 -- 184 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 24. ZR6GR 2017-11-09 123 2017 Gert Rautenbach [Incomplete--see note 8] 25. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 -- 144 2020 Jan Botha 26. ZS6TVB 2018-04-11 100 2018 Theo Bresler [Incomplete--see note 8] 27. ZS6HON 2018-08-08 -- 140 2020 Helgard R. Honiball 28. ZR2A 2019-11-13 -- 101 2019 Ulrich Ann DM5EE 29. ZS6S 2019-12-?? 104 2019 Alastair Skudder [Incomplete--see note 8] 30. ZS6CR 2020-08-12 -- 102 2020 Cor J. Rademeyer 31. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 -- 123 2023 Paul Smit 32. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 -- 222 2023 Christian von Wechmar
1. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 -- 166 2002 Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 2. ZS6EZ 2002-11-15 -- 313 2020 Chris R. Burger 3. ZS2DL 2010-05-17 1288 291 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 4. ZS1EL 2011-05-15 1504 132 2013 Vidi la Grange 5. ZS2EZ 2011-06-18 1516 288 2022 Barry Murrell 6. ZS6NJ 2012-02-01 -- 263 2024 Fanie Nel 7. ZS4TX 2012-07-05 1954 280 2024 Bernie van der Walt 8. ZS2Y 2012-07-16 -- 204 2023 Thian de Jager 9. ZS6RJ 2012-09-08 -- 160 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 10. ZS6WB 2013-04-23 -- 261 2018 Hal Lund 11. ZS6AKU 2013-12-01 -- 128 2014 Dirk U. Els 12. ZS1A 2014-03-06 -- 272 2024 Johan Sevenster 13. ZS6C (ZS6GRL) 2014-03-13 -- 159 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 14. ZS1LS 2014-09-01 -- 303 2023 Allan Saul 15. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2014-09-09 -- 208 2024 Tjerk J. Lammers 16. ZS1C 2014-11-12 -- 150 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 17. ZS2I 2016-06-02 -- 118 2017 Johan van Aarde 18. ZS6UT 2016-09-19 -- 146 2016 Edmar Willers 19. ZS5LEE 2018-01-30 -- 110 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 20. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 -- 114 2020 Jan Botha 21. ZS2ACP 2019-01-18 102 2019 André Botes [Incomplete--see note 8] 22. ZS6HON 2021-09-05 104 2021 Helgard R. Honiball [Incomplete--see note 8] 23. ZS6CR 2021-11-02 100 2021 Cor J. Rademeyer [Incomplete--see note 8] 24. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 -- 120 2022 Paul Smit 25. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 -- 190 2023 Christian von Wechmar
1. ZS6EZ (ZS6BCR) 1988-07-01 160 330 2018 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS1J (ZS6P) 1989-01-31 401 293 2021 Tjerk J. Lammers 3. ZS4TX 1990-09-28 995 312 2024 Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS6HO 1993-08-02 1802 112 1997 Dave Miller 5. ZS1A (ZS6JHS) 1993-08-09 2075 277 2024 Johan Sevenster 6. ZS4Y 1995-10-24 3041 102 1996 Leon Foot 7. ZS6Y 1995-12-04 3058 103 1996 Etienne Swart 8. ZS6KR 1996-09-23 3230 291 2016 Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 9. ZS6WB 1996-09-26 3210 303 2018 Hal Lund 10. ZS6NB 1996-11-27 3245 185 2001 Ken Pickersgill 11. ZS6RVG 2000-09-25 ? 165 2006 Dave Plaskett--Silent Key < 2010 12. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 31884 241 2002 Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 13. ZS1EL 2006-02-28 32719 165 2013 Vidi la Grange 14. ZS2DL 2006-08-07 32819 273 2023 Donovan van Loggerenberg 15. ZS2I 2008-11-16 33133 206 2017 Johan van Aarde 16. ZS2ACP 2011-05-24 33632 112 2017 André Botes 17. ZS2EZ 2011-06-18 33652 260 2022 Barry Murrell 18. ZS6RJ 2011-09-28 33751 179 2015 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 19. ZS2Y 2011-10-17 33746 228 2024 Thian de Jager 20. ZS6NJ 2012-05-08 34089 221 2024 Fanie Nel 21. ZS6C (ZS6GRL) 2013-04-03 34567 185 2019 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 22. ZS6A 2013-07-03 34690 203 2015 Pierre van Deventer 23. ZS6AKU 2013-08-09 34722 135 2014 Dirk U. Els 24. ZS1C (ZS1REC) 2013-11-26 34839 187 2020 Raoul E. Coetzee 25. ZS1LS 2014-09-01 35244 285 2023 Allan Saul 26. ZR6DX 2015-02-27 35476 100 2015 Noel Hammond 27. ZS6UT 2016-09-19 35959 166 2016 Edmar Willers 28. ZS5LEE 2017-11-01 36167 128 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 29. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 36240 108 2020 Jan Botha 30. ZS6HON 2021-10-18 36??? 101 2021 Helgard R. Honiball [Incomplete--see note 8] 31. ZS6CR 2021-11-11 36790 100 2021 Cor J. Rademeyer 32. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 37010 129 2024 Paul Smit 33. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 37450 200 2023 Christian von Wechmar 34. ZS6EFN 2024 107 2024 Etienne Naude
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1. ZS6WB 1998-12-11 238 140 2013 Hal Lund 2. ZS6AXT 1999-09-22 249 126 2001 Ivo Chladek--Silent Key 2017-09-28 3. ZS6EZ 2001-05-21 336 113 2014 Chris R. Burger 4. ZS6NK 2002-03-04 461 175 2024 Paul Smit 5. ZS4TX 2015-04-15 1386 170 2024 Bernie van der Walt 6. ZS6AYE 2015-08-06 1410 105 2021 Braam Devenier 7. ZS6NJ 2024-07-04 101 2024 Fanie Nel
1. ZS6OB 2013-12-14 124 104 2014 Jan Pienaar 2. ZS1LS 2017-12-20 175 128 2023 Allan Saul 3. ZS4TX 2018-04-20 186 137 2024 Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS5LEE 2018-05-10 187 112 2021 Lee Hanegraaf 5. ZS6JON 2019-12-31 112 2019 John Sygo [Incomplete--see note 8]
2870 ZS4TX Bernie van der Walt 2759 ZS6EZ Chris R. Burger 2587 ZS1LS Allan Saul 2425 ZS6WB Hal Lund 2377 ZS2DL Donovan van Loggerenberg 2263 ZS1A Johan Sevenster 2186 ZS2EZ Barry Murrell 2008 ZS1J Tjerk J. Lammers 1849 ZS6NJ Fanie Nel 1713 ZS6UT Edmar Willers 1652 ZS2Y Thian de Jager 1510 ZS1DX Christian von Wechmar 1505 ZS1C Raoul E. Coetzee 1437 ZS6KR Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 1392 ZS6IR Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 1319 ZS2I Johan van Aarde 1279 ZS1EL Vidi la Grange 1275 ZS5LEE Lee Hanegraaf 1204 ZS6RJ Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 1199 ZS6C Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 1138 ZS6NK Paul Smit 1072 ZS2ACP André Botes 1056 ZS4JAN Jan Botha 1028 ZS6X Artour Makhtsiev--now YU9MBA since ca. 2012 [24 stations]
Note: The entry level is 1000 (or an average of 100 per band). The highest South African scores represent an average of over 270 per band. ZS6KR's score is composed of credits on the five "classic" bands only, with an average score of 283 per band. The world leader is EA8AK with 3301 band-countries, an average of over 330 per band.
1. ZS6EZ 2001 (ranked 1st at start date) Chris R. Burger 2. ZS6IR 2001 (ranked 2nd at start date) Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 3. ZS4TX 2001 (ranked 3rd at start date) Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS6WB 2001 (ranked 4th at start date) Hal Lund 5. ZS6KR 2001 (ranked 5th at start date) Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 6. ZS1J 2007-06-04 Tjerk J. Lammers 7. ZS2DL 2009-06-10 Donovan van Loggerenberg 8. ZS6X 2010-03-01 Artour Makhtsiev--now YU9MBA since ca. 2012 9. ZS1EL 2011-05-15 Vidi la Grange 10. ZS2EZ 2011-06-18 Barry Murrell 11. ZS1A 2012-04-15 Johan Sevenster 12. ZS6NJ 2012-10-07 Fanie Nel 13. ZS1LS 2013-03-07?? Allan Saul 14. ZS6UT 2013-04-14 Edmar Willers 15. ZS2Y 2013-08-05 Thian de Jager 16. ZS6RJ 2014-09-01 Roger Jones--now M0ORD since 2016 17. ZS2I 2015-09-15 Johan van Aarde 18. ZS1C 2015-12-07 Raoul Coetzee 19. ZS5LEE 2018-01-30 Lee Hanegraaf 20. ZS2ACP 2019-01-18 André Botes 21. ZS6C 2019-04-10 Geoffrey Ronald Levey--Silent Key 2020-08 22. ZS4JAN 2020-01-05 Jan Botha 23. ZS6NK 2022-03-17 Paul Smit 24. ZS1DX 2022-11-28 Christian von Wechmar
1. ZS6EZ 2001 (start date) Chris R. Burger 2. ZS4TX 2005 Bernie van der Walt 3. ZS6WB 2008-08-29 Hal Lund 4. ZS2DL 2011-07-21 Donovan van Loggerenberg 5. ZS6NJ 2013-05-04 Fanie Nel 6. ZS2EZ 2013-12-31 Barry Murrell 7. ZS1LS 2014-03-31 Allan Saul 8. ZS1A 2014-12-06 Johan Sevenster 9. ZS1J 2015-06-17 Tjerk J. Lammers 10. ZS6UT 2016-10-02 Edmar Willers 11. ZS1C 2020-11-13 Raoul Coetzee 12. ZS2Y 2022-08-30 Thian de Jager 13. ZS1DX 2023-06-15 Christian von Wechmar
1. ZS6EZ 2002-09-30 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS6WB 2012-12-13 Hal Lund 3. ZS4TX 2013-03-07 Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS2DL 2014-03-05 Donovan van Loggerenberg 5. ZS1LS 2015-12-06? Allan Saul 6. ZS2EZ 2017-11-02 Barry Murrell 7. ZS1A 2020-05-06 Johan Sevenster 8. ZS1J 2024 Tjerk Lammers
1. ZS6EZ 2012-06-16 Chris R. Burger 2. ZS4TX 2016-02-22 Bernie van der Walt 3. ZS1LS 2020-12-23 Allan Saul
This table contains all ZS stations with single-band DXCC on each of the five mainstream bands (3,5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz). It was compiled from the single-band scores listed above, and therefore reflects all-time scores (including deleted entities). As the Challenge totals above reflect current scores only, the scores are not directly comparable. Stations listed have up to nine deleted entities on specific bands. ZS6KR, whose Challenge score was achieved only on the mainstream bands, has a total of 16 deleted entities across all the bands, or an average of just over three per band.
3,5 7 14 21 28 Total Average ZS4TX 303 347 340 340 312 1642 328 ZS6EZ 263 325 343 344 330 1605 321 ZS1LS 252 293 322 317 285 1469 294 ZS6KR 208 298 332 324 291 1453 291 ZS6WB 191 280 315 320 303 1409 282 ZS2DL 182 290 328 318 273 1391 278 ZS1A 196 266 316 308 277 1363 273 ZS1J 135 265 319 278 293 1290 258 ZS2EZ 157 235 320 288 260 1260 252 ZS6IR 122 166 276 256 241 1061 212
Note: 18 South African stations have achieved DXCC on each of the traditional five bands. Right now, this table shows the Top 10. The proposed entry level is 1364 (the sum of the four highest single-band scores), so that you cannot enter this table with less than five single-band scores.
This table contains the highest-scoring ZS stations with single-band DXCC on each of the three WARC bands (10, 18 and 25 MHz). It was compiled from the single-band scores listed above, and therefore reflects all-time scores (including deleted entities). As the Challenge totals above reflect current scores only, the scores are not directly comparable. However, differences are small. The WARC bands were only promulgated in the Eighties and fully came into common use after 2000, only nine deleted entities have ever been active on the WARC bands. No South African is known to have worked more than four deleted entities on any single WARC band.
10 18 25 Total Average ZS6EZ 313 320 313 946 315 ZS1LS 305 319 303 927 309 ZS2DL 298 309 291 898 299 ZS4TX 300 298 280 878 293 ZS2EZ 263 307 288 858 286 ZS6WB 296 280 261 837 279 ZS1A 223 288 272 783 261 ZS6NJ 230 262 263 755 252
Note: 19 South African stations have achieved DXCC on each of the WARC bands. The entry level for this table is 633 (the sum of the two highest single-band scores), so that you cannot enter this table with less than three WARC-band scores.
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# Callsign Date Num Bands Name 1. ZS5LB 1972-03-13 153 8 (1,8 18 25) Bert Lausecker--Silent Key 2015-05-26 2. ZS5BK 1985-11-08 1975 5 Bill Smith--Silent Key 1991 3. ZS6EZ (ZS6BCR) 1986-04-21 2071 10 (1,8 10 18 25 50) Chris R. Burger 4. ZS5MY 1986-05-21 2088 5 Franz Taschl--Silent Key as ZS6EU on 2013-01-11 5. ZS4TX 1992-01-22 3099 11 (1,8 10 18 25 50 144) Bernie van der Walt 6. ZS6KR 1996-09-23 4242 5 Hans Kappetijn--Silent Key 2023-08-05 7. ZS6WB 1996-09-26 4231 9 (10 18 25 50) Hal Lund 8. ZS1J (ZS6P) 1998-12-11 4675 8 (10 18 25) Tjerk J. Lammers 9. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 5082 7 (18 25) Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 10. ZS6X (ZS6BQI) 2010-03-01 6731 8 (10 18 25) Artour Makhtsiev--now YU9MBA since ca. 2012 11. ZS2DL 2010-05-17 6794 8 (10 18 25) Donovan van Loggerenberg 12. ZS1A 2014-02-26 7895 8 (10 18 25) Johan Sevenster 13. ZS1LS 2014-03-31 7920 10 (1,8 10 18 25 144) Allan Saul 14. ZS6UT 2016-11-29 8599 9 (1,8 10 18 25) Edmar Willers 15. ZS1C 2017-08-10 8866 9 (1,8 10 18 25) Raoul E. Coetzee 16. ZS2ACP 2017-08-14 8871 8 (10 18 25) André Botes 17. ZS2EZ 2017-11-02 8916 8 (10 18 25) Barry Murrell 18. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 9067 8 (10 18 25) Jan Botha 19. ZS6NJ 2018-04-06 9072 8 (10 18 25) Fanie Nel 20. ZS5LEE 2018-09-04 9183 9 (10 18 25 144) Lee Hanegraaf 21. ZS2Y 2019-01-13 9290 8 (10 18 25) Thian de Jager 22. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 10129 9 (10 18 25 50) Paul Smit 23. ZS1DX 2022-11-28 10237 8 (10 18 25) Christian von Wechmar
Note: The columns above are self-explanatory, except perhaps for "Bands". The basic 5BDXCC is issued for DXCC on each of five bands (3,5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz). Band endorsements can be added for additional bands. If a station's score is more than 5, the additional bands completed are listed in brackets, with the figures in MHz. The only available endorsements are 1,8, 10, 18, 25, 50 and 144 MHz. No ZS has ever obtained the 144 MHz endorsement. Those in the know regard the 10, 18 and 25 MHz band endorsements as a mere formality, but both 1,8 and 50 MHz are much harder than any of the five basic bands.
# Callsign Date Band Added Name 1. ZS5LB 1987-02-06 1,8 MHz Bert Lausecker--Silent Key 2015-05-26 2. ZS6EZ 1997-09-27 1,8 MHz Chris R. Burger 3. ZS4TX 1997-09-30 1,8 MHz Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS6WB 1998-12-11 50 MHz Hal Lund 5. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 Initial (18 and 25 MHz) Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 6. ZS6X (ZS6BQI) 2010-03-01 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Artour Makhtsiev--now YU9MBA since ca. 2012 7. ZS2DL 2010-05-17 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Donovan van Loggerenberg 8. ZS1A 2014-03-06 Initial (18 and 25 MHz) Johan Sevenster 9. ZS1LS 2014-03-31 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Allan Saul 10. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2014-04-03 18 MHz Tjerk J. Lammers 11. ZS6UT 2016-11-29 Initial (1,8 10, 18 and 25 MHz) Edmar Willers 12. ZS1C 2017-08-10 Initial (1,8 10, 18 and 25 MHz) Raoul E. Coetzee 13. ZS2EZ 2017-11-03 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Barry Murrell 14. ZS2ACP 2017-08-14 Initial (10 MHz) André Botes 15. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Jan Botha 16. ZS6NJ 2018-04-06 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Fanie Nel 17. ZS5LEE 2018-09-04 Initial (10, 18, 25 and 144 MHz) Lee Hanegraaf 18. ZS2Y 2019-01-13 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Thian de Jager 19. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 Initial (10, 18, 25 and 50 MHz) Paul Smit 20. ZS1DX 2022-11-28 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Christian von Wechmar
# Callsign Date Band Added Name 1. ZS6EZ 1999-09-22 25 MHz Chris R. Burger 2. ZS5LB ca. 2001 18/25 MHz (simultaneous) Bert Lausecker--Silent Key 2015-05-26 3. ZS6IR 2001-09-25 Initial (18 and 25 MHz) Uli von Aswegen--now DF7EF since ca. 2002 4. ZS6WB < 2010 18 MHz Hal Lund 5. ZS6X (ZS6BQI) 2010-03-01 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Artour Makhtsiev--now YU9MBA since ca. 2012 6. ZS2DL 2010-05-17 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Donovan van Loggerenberg 7. ZS4TX 2012-07-03 25 MHz Bernie van der Walt 8. ZS1A 2014-03-06 Initial (18 and 25 MHz) Johan Sevenster 9. ZS1LS 2014-03-31 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Allan Saul 10. ZS1J (ZS6P) 2014-09-09 25 MHz Tjerk J. Lammers 11. ZS6UT 2016-11-29 Initial (1,8 10, 18 and 25 MHz) Edmar Willers 12. ZS1C 2017-08-10 Initial (1,8 10, 18 and 25 MHz) Raoul E. Coetzee 13. ZS2EZ 2017-11-03 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Barry Murrell 14. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Jan Botha 15. ZS6NJ 2018-04-06 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Fanie Nel 16. ZS5LEE 2018-09-04 Initial (10, 18, 25 and 144 MHz) Lee Hanegraaf 17. ZS2ACP 2017-10-13 18 MHz André Botes 18. ZS2Y 2019-01-13 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Thian de Jager 19. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 Initial (10, 18, 25 and 50 MHz) Paul Smit 20. ZS1DX 2022-11-28 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Christian von Wechmar
# Callsign Date Band Added Name 1. ZS6EZ 2000-09-30 18 MHz Chris R. Burger 2. ZS5LB ca. 2001 18/25 MHz (simultaneous) Bert Lausecker--Silent Key 2015-05-26 3. ZS6WB < 2010 25 MHz Hal Lund 4. ZS6X (ZS6BQI) 2010-03-01 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Artour Makhtsiev--now YU9MBA since ca. 2012 5. ZS2DL 2010-05-17 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Donovan van Loggerenberg 6. ZS4TX 2012-09-09 18 MHz Bernie van der Walt 7. ZS1LS 2014-03-31 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Allan Saul 8. ZS6UT 2016-11-29 Initial (1,8 10, 18 and 25 MHz) Edmar Willers 9. ZS1C 2017-08-10 Initial (1,8 10, 18 and 25 MHz) Raoul E. Coetzee 10. ZS1A 2017-10-07 10 MHz Johan Sevenster 11. ZS2EZ 2017-11-03 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Barry Murrell 12. ZS4JAN 2018-03-30 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Jan Botha 13. ZS6NJ 2018-04-06 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Fanie Nel 14. ZS5LEE 2018-09-04 Initial (10, 18, 25 and 144 MHz) Lee Hanegraaf 15. ZS2Y 2019-01-13 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Thian de Jager 16. ZS2ACP 2019-01-18 25 MHz André Botes 17. ZS1J 2020-01-30 10 MHz Tjerk J. Lammers 18. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 Initial (10, 18, 25 and 50 MHz) Paul Smit 19. ZS1DX 2022-11-28 Initial (10, 18 and 25 MHz) Christian von Wechmar
# Callsign Date Band Added Name 1. ZS6EZ 2001-05-21 50 MHz Chris R. Burger 2. ZS6WB < 2012 10 MHz Hal Lund 3. ZS4TX 2012-12-19 10 MHz Bernie van der Walt 4. ZS6UT 2016-11-29 Initial (1,8 10, 18 and 25 MHz) Edmar Willers 5. ZS1C 2017-08-10 Initial (1,8 10, 18 and 25 MHz) Raoul E. Coetzee 6. ZS1LS 2017-12-20 144 MHz Allan Saul 7. ZS5LEE 2018-09-04 Initial (10, 18, 25 and 144 MHz) Lee Hanegraaf 8. ZS1A 2020-05-06 1,8 MHz Johan Sevenster 9. ZS6NK 2022-06-29 Initial (10, 18, 25 and 50 MHz) Paul Smit 10. ZS2DL 2023-10-11 1,8 MHz Donovan van Loggerenberg 11. ZS6NJ 2024-12-06 50 MHz Fanie Nel
# Callsign Date Band Added Name 1. ZS6EZ 2002-11-15 10 MHz Chris R. Burger 2. ZS4TX 2015-04-15 50 MHz Bernie van der Walt 3. ZS1LS 2019-04-17 1,8 MHz Allan Saul
# Callsign Date Band Added Name 1. ZS4TX 2018-04-20 144 MHz Bernie van der Walt
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Note: In principle, there should be a Top Three in each category. However, some DXCCs have enough participation to warrant a Top Six or Top Ten. When a particular DXCC passes 18 participants, a Top Six should appear. At 50, a Top Ten will appear. The Top Ten on Mixed and Phone contains only stations still listed as active members in the ARRL list. A separate table with the all-time high scores for these two DXCCs is included in the following section. For all the other awards, all callsigns shown are listed as active in the ARRL lists.
Mixed | Phone | CW | Digital |
350 ZS1J 350 ZS6EZ 349 ZS4TX 348 ZS1FJ 346 ZS6WB 344 ZS1A 341 ZS2DL 336 ZS2EZ 325 ZS1LS, ZS6ASW, ZS6NJ |
350 ZS1J 349 ZS4TX 349 ZS6EZ 344 ZS1A 344 ZS1FJ 343 ZS6WB 328 ZS6AOO 324 ZS2DL 312 ZS1LS 300 ZS2EZ, ZS6IR |
349 ZS6EZ 348 ZS4TX 334 ZS2DL 320 ZS1LS 316 ZS6UT 314 ZS2EZ |
321 ZS1LS 315 ZS2EZ 307 ZS1A 303 ZS2DL 296 ZS4TX 295 ZS6EZ |
Satellite | 1,8 MHz | 3,5 MHz | 7 MHz |
160 ZS1LS 152 ZS4TX 106 ZS2BK |
223 ZS4TX 171 ZS1LS 161 ZS5LB† |
303 ZS4TX 263 ZS6EZ 252 ZS1LS 208 ZS6KR† 196 ZS1A 191 ZS6WB |
347 ZS4TX 325 ZS6EZ 298 ZS6KR† 293 ZS1LS 290 ZS2DL 280 ZS6WB |
10 MHz | 14 MHz | 18 MHz | 21 MHz |
313 ZS6EZ 305 ZS1LS 300 ZS4TX 298 ZS2DL 296 ZS6WB 263 ZS2EZ |
343 ZS6EZ 340 ZS4TX 332 ZS6KR† 330 ZS1AU† 328 ZS2DL 322 ZS1LS |
320 ZS6EZ 319 ZS1LS 309 ZS2DL 307 ZS2EZ 298 ZS4TX 288 ZS1A |
344 ZS6EZ 340 ZS4TX 324 ZS6KR† 320 ZS6WB 318 ZS2DL 317 ZS1LS |
25 MHz | 28 MHz | 50 MHz | 144 MHz |
313 ZS6EZ 303 ZS1LS 291 ZS2DL 288 ZS2EZ 280 ZS4TX 272 ZS1A |
330 ZS6EZ 312 ZS4TX 303 ZS6WB 293 ZS1J 291 ZS6KR† 285 ZS1LS |
175 ZS6NK 170 ZS4TX 140 ZS6WB |
137 ZS4TX 128 ZS1LS 112 ZS5LEE, ZS6JON |
Mixed | Phone | CW | Digital |
395 4X4DK |
395 4X4DK |
359 W9KNI |
353 K3WC |
Satellite | 1,8 MHz | 3,5 MHz | 7 MHz |
282 DJ5MN |
344 W8LRL |
358 W4DR |
367 W4DR |
10 MHz | 14 MHz | 18 MHz | 21 MHz |
348 >10 stations |
393 4X4DK |
349 2 stations |
374 EA8AK |
25 MHz | 28 MHz | 50 MHz | 144 MHz |
348 K2TQC |
370 EA8AK |
283 3 stations |
247 KB8RQ |
Note: The table above contains only stations currently listed in the ARRL's official list. The table below contains the all-time high scores. Several of the members were licenced just after WW-II, and worked dozens of countries that were subsequently deleted. Their scores are unattainable to someone entering the race now, as those countries are no longer available to be worked. However, to reflect the persistent achievement by old timers over many decades, the table below shows the all-time high achievements in each category.
Mixed | Phone | CW |
375 ZS6YQ† (inactive) 370 ZS6LW† (inactive) 361 ZS1AU† (inactive) 358 ZS6BBP (inactive) 356 ZS6RM† (inactive) 353 ZS5NK† (inactive) 350 ZS1J 350 ZS1OU† (inactive) 350 ZS6EZ 349 ZS4TX |
374 ZS6YQ† (inactive) 369 ZS6LW† (inactive) 360 ZS1AU† (inactive) 358 ZS6BBP (inactive) 356 ZS6JM† (inactive) 353 ZS5NK† (inactive) 351 ZS6RM† (inactive) 350 ZS1J 349 ZS4TX 349 ZS6EZ |
349 ZS6EZ 348 ZS4TX 347 ZS6KR† (inactive) 332 ZS2DL 318 ZS1LS 316 ZS6UT |
Note: The term "inactive" means that the station is no longer active. In most cases, the operator has died. Such cases are marked with a cross (†). Recently-deceased stations are marked with an asterisk (*) in the ARRL listings. Those whose death preceded the monthly online listings are simply omitted. As the single-band DXCCs are all fairly recent, no separate all-time tables are listed. In that case, the deceased operators are simply marked with a cross (†) in the active ranking table above.
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This table shows the leading multi-mode DXers in these listings. All-time scores are shown, including deleted entities. The entry level for this table is the sum of the two highest leading single-mode scores plus 100 (now 800), making it impossible to enter this table without being active on all three modes.
Phone CW Digital Total Average ZS6EZ 349 349 295 993 331 ZS4TX 349 348 296 983 331 ZS2DL 324 334 303 961 320 ZS1LS 310 318 316 944 315 ZS6WB 343 313 288 944 315 ZS2EZ 300 314 315 929 310 ZS1A 344 182 307 833 278
The start date for each DXCC award (where known) is listed below:
Award | Start Date | Contacts from | First Certificate | First ZS |
Mixed Phone CW Digital Satellite 5 Band 1,8 MHz 3,5 MHz 7 MHz 10 MHz 14 MHz 18 MHz 21 MHz 25 MHz 28 MHz 50 MHz 144 MHz 430 MHz |
1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1975-07-01 1976-11-01 1977-09 1968 197? 1988-11-01 1989-05-01 2002-10-01 2000-01-01 2001-01-02 2000-07-01 2001-07-02 1988-07-01 198? 198? 198? |
1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1975-01-01 1945-11-15 1965-03-01 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 1945-11-15 |
1947-04-02 W1FH† 1947-05-?? W1FH† 1975-07-01 W3KT† 1976-11-01 WA3IKK 1978-05-?? W2BXA 1969-09-09 W4QCW 1976-11-01 W1BB† 1988-11-01 ON4UN† 1989-05-01 W4DR 2002-10-01 Many 2000-01-01 Many 2001-01-02 Many 2000-07-01 Many 2001-07-02 Many 1988-07-01 W4DR 1990-01-02 K5FF† 1991-01-11 W5UN 2008-07-29 DL9KR |
1947-08-?? ZS2X† 1949-08-?? ZS6FU† 1980-??-?? ZS3BT† 1996-09-23 ZS6EZ 1995-08-14 ZS2ACP 1972-03-13 ZS5LB† 1987-02-06 ZS5LB† 1988-11-01 ZS6BCR 1989-05-01 ZS6BCR 2002-11-15 ZS6EZ 2000-09-30 ZS6EZ 2001-05-21 ZS6EZ 2000-09-18 ZS6KR† 2001-09-25 ZS6IR 1988-07-01 ZS6BCR 1998-12-11 ZS6WB 2013-12-14 ZS6OB No ZS |
28 <300?? <1629?? 755 210 153 199 120 131 -- -- -- -- -- 160 238 124 -- |
4 27 69 239 207 30 123 0 0 1 9 5 3 3 0 107 266 >183 |
WA3IKK is now K3WC. W4QCW is now W4DR. ZS6BCR is now ZS6EZ. ZS6P is now ZS1J.
W1BB, ZS2X, ZS5LB, ZS6FU and ZS6KR are deceased (marked with "†").
Key: "Start date" is the first date from which applications were accepted. "Contacts from" means the first date from which contacts were valid for this award. "First certificate" means the first certificate issued, by date and callsign. "First ZS" is the corresponding information for the first South African winner. "Number" is the certificate number obtained by the first ZS (for those DXCCs with serial numbers). "Months" is the delay between the first certificate and the first South African certificate in months. The figure for 144 MHz represents the slowest uptake by South Africans. The first 430 MHz DXCC was issued in 2008, and no South African has claimed that certificate so far. The leading scores on this band are in the 70s, so it is likely that there will be an applicant no later than 2025.
Note regarding CW DXCC start date: For most DXCC certificates, contacts made since 1945-11-15 count. This date represents the resumption of activities in the USA after the Second World War. At this time, most DX was worked on CW, so no special DXCC was available for this mode. There were only Phone and Mixed certificates. When CW DXCC was introduced in 1975, the decision was made to only count contacts made after the start date, forcing everyone to start with a clean slate. 5BDXCC was handled similarly, but contacts before the start date have subsequently been accepted. However, many Old Timers worked numerous countries on CW before the CW start date, and only received Mixed credit for those entities. As a result, the leading CW scores are much lower than the leading Phone and Mixed scores. On Mixed, individuals have claimed as many as 57 deleted entities. On Phone, the corresponding number is around 54. For CW, it is only 19.
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1. Where the correct issuing sequence is known (everything but Mixed and Phone), sequence numbers have been inserted. On Mixed and Phone, where exact dates are unknown, stations are grouped by year. Because the list for 2005 is incomplete, no sequence numbers are shown after this date. However, the order in which stations are listed is chronological.
2. The 1996 submissions of ZS6KR and ZS6WB may seem strange, but are in fact correct. Hans's certificates (5BDXCC, 3,5 MHz, 7 MHz and 28 MHz) are dated a few days earlier than Hal's, but in all cases the serial numbers are later. Personal correspondence with ARRL confirms that the dates must be regarded as authoritative, as their serial number issuing system occasionally goes awry. It appears that Hans's application was not properly recorded in the mail system on arrival. As a result, his application was not processed before the cutoff date for the Yearbook. He is therefore not listed on all the bands. There are several other examples in the lists where the certificate numbers are out of sequence. In all cases, the dates are the most important determinant.
3. Single band DXCCs for 10, 14, 18, 21 and 25 MHz never had serial numbers; only dates. All other certificates have sequential serial numbers. Around 2011, some single-band DXCCs on these bands suddenly started showing numbers for a time. Again, in some cases there are discrepancies in the order of serial numbers. Some certificates have serial numbers, others don't.
4. The single-band awards for 3,5, 7 and 28 MHz all had start dates (see the table above). On that start date, all received applications were sorted by scores. Certificate numbers were allocated in order (from highest to lowest score) and all dated on the start date. Certificates issued subsequently have received chronologically sequential numbers.
5. 5BDXCC is issued for meeting DXCC requirements, using current entities only, on each of these bands: 3,5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz. There are no endorsements for special modes or for higher totals on each band; only for more bands (1,8, 10, 18, 25, 50, 144 and 430 MHz). Stations with additional band endorsements may claim 6BDXCC, 7BDXCC, 8BDXCC etc. The highest achievable total is 12BDXCC, which would include 144 and 430 MHz. No 5BDXCC holder in ZS has achieved DXCC on either of these bands, and no station world wide is known to have achieved 12BDXCC. These numbers may creep upwards if 5 MHz ever becomes a world-wide amateur allocation, and a single-band DXCC is issued. Several stations have already passed the 100 country mark on this band.
6. Information from the ARRL Web listings has been incorporated to the date indicated in the heading. If the list has been updated since this date, the changes affect only single stations or consist of editorial changes.
7. There are many errors in the ARRL listings. Many years contained over 5000 callsigns, painstakingly assembled by hand using index cards. Sometimes, the same callsign is listed differently in successive years. An attempt has been made to consolidate such differences into one callsign. However, in some cases, doubt remains. Uncertainty surrounds ZS5UR/ZS6UR and ZS1OE/ZS1OF. The current computerised listings appear to be a little more robust in this regard, with no obvious discrepancies.
8. Where a list entry is incomplete, a note has been added in square brackets. I have only done so for entries for awards since 2010 or so, as incomplete listings before that time are no longer feasible to chase. However, for recent DXCCs I have sent requests for information at least annually. Several operators have chosen to ignore these repeated requests, making it impossible to publish complete information.
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1. The late "Van" van der Watt ZS6LW became the first South African ever to have achieved the Top of the Honour Roll (i.e. worked all current countries). Van was the top South African on the DXCC-HR from at least 1975 to 1997 (1998 on Phone). He first reached the Top of the HR in 1980 (both Mixed and Phone) and retained that position on and off until 1994. The second South African only reached this milestone during 2002. Van died in mid-2000. As of 2001, he remained the highest-scoring South African on the official DXCC list, and remained on the Honour Roll. However, with the ongoing addition of new countries, Bushy Roode ZS6YQ surpassed Van's total number of countries worked during 2002. Van's callsign finally dropped off the Honour Roll in 2003, when the addition of Ducie Island VP6 left him with 10 countries unworked.
2. ZS5MQ was listed in 1975 with 152 countries. However, his certificate is dated 1976.
3. ZS2SG has a 125 endorsement sticker. However, his highest endorsement level listed in QST is 110.
All the published information has now been extracted. However, many names and certificate details are still incomplete. If you know of a DXCC holder and can obtain exact dates and certificate numbers, please let me know. The record for 2005 was never published, so it is possible that someone obtained a certificate in that year and is not on the list. Such information would be particularly valuable.
Finally, extracting information from thousands of pages of small print, some of which was scanned with rough resolution, is not an exact science. If you spot errors that do not agree with the original information, please let me know.
Building this list was a mammoth task, consuming perhaps thousands of hours of effort, and could not have been done without considerable assistance. Tjerk Lammers ZS6P (now ZS1J) was always a willing helper, starting in the Eighties, with his QST and DXCC Yearbook collection and even occasionally his willingness to help me wade through pages and pages of fine print. He is also the South African checkpoint for DXCC, whose presence has helped considerably to fan the DXCC flames in this part of the world.
Before his death in 2005, Bushy Roode ZS6M† (ex ZS6YQ) tracked down the details of a few members for me. In 2006, Ivan Lusic ZS6IL did likewise. In 2011, Sharon Taratula of ARRL searched their database for the last few CW DXCC records; Gary Potgieter ZS5NK† sent me the details for the ZS5HAM certificates; Al Akers ZS2U helped me to put names to many of the ZS2 stations on the list; Dennis Wells ZS1AU† did the same for the ZS1s; Barry Murrell ZS2EZ sent me details of ZS2SG's certificate. In 2012, Mariska Faasen of SARL HQ alerted me to the availability of a virtually complete set of QSTs. I've incorporated the new info, filling in almost all the remaining gaps. During this process, Dennis Wells ZS1AU† looked up numerous callsigns in old Callbooks to try to put names to those callsigns. Wayne Mills N7NG found me some information to fill a few remaining gaps, specifically the list for 1970, 1971 and 1989. The very last gaps were filled in by Bill Moore NC1L† and Sharon Taratula at the ARRL. Barry Murrell ZS2EZ provided me with details of ZS2EC's certificate.
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